Conspiracy and Chill Podcast

29 | Shane Sedore | Secret Realities, Hidden Truths, and The Shadow Elite | "Illuminati Insider"

"$awbuck" Mike & "Headhunter" Higgins

What if ancient extraterrestrials are the real puppet masters of our world? Join us as we unravel the layers of conspiracy theories surrounding the mysterious shadow elite, as they steer global events through secretive cults and preserved bloodlines. This episode dives deep into personal experiences of being identified and groomed by these shadowy groups for psychic abilities, shedding light on the dual education received in esoteric mystery schools and public schooling. We discuss how cult ideologies have historically infiltrated societies and manipulated culture, politics, and technology, transitioning from ancient human-centric magic to modern technology-based control.

Ever wondered how conspiracy theories grow into convoluted "snowballs" of misinformation? Shane Sedore will explain as  we dissect this phenomenon by exploring the experiences of those who have resisted indoctrination, revealing the elitist ideologies of "shepherds" and "sheep." From unexplained sightings to historical resets and the preservation of Druid magical knowledge, our conversation challenges mainstream historical narratives and technological advancements. Hear about firsthand encounters with cryptids, abductions, and government conspiracies—uncovering how disinformation is deliberately spread to researchers and the role advanced technology plays in shaping our understanding of these phenomena.

Our guest, Shane Sedore, shares his vast knowledge of the Illuminati, magic, and conspiracies, blending the mystical with the conspiratorial. Explore the eerie yet informative nature of his experiences, including encounters with haunted buildings and cryptids, and his insights into the compartmentalized nature of disinformation within conspiracy theories. We wrap up by addressing rising mental health concerns, potential societal manipulation through technology, and the importance of rational thought to counteract these influences. This episode is a compelling journey through hidden truths and the ever-evolving landscape of conspiracy theories.

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Mike Straus @sawbuckmike X
Tom Higgins @HeadhunterHiggins IG

Intro Music "Official Conspiracy and Chill Theme V1" | produced by "$awbuck" Mike
Underneath music bed - provided by - CRT Music - Reality (Grime Instrumental)
Outro music - provided by - Agents of Change (Robinhood x John Brown)

"$awbuck" Mike:

The Nephilim sightings are going to start soon.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Consciousness has been enslaved.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Your consciousness does not need your physical body to survive.

Shane Sedore:

It's the thing that's necessary. It has to be there.

"$awbuck" Mike:

It's the coding that projects this world we currently live in. I want you to read the Bible.

Shane Sedore:

We got reptilians just outside of our frequency zone.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Six dimensional beings, the ancient builder race. Ideas are the highest form of intelligence, and that leads you to truth and clarity.

Shane Sedore:

The Nephilim sightings are going to stall soon. Conspiracy show.

"$awbuck" Mike:

It's obvious the aliens are god-fearing and insanely huge. We're just one planet. They would have needed a minimum of six feet of lead shielding in order to get through the 25,000 mile thick of nl and radiation belt. This is real. They really did fake the moon. The world is infinitely older than that. And I mean the world with human beings in it, skull and bones, is like one of the villains in the legion of doom, they said.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I'll let you read the bible the biblical flood, the tartaria mud flood conspiracy and chill the nephilim sightings are going to start soon. The bulldog ball I don't want you to read the bible. There's magnets in the basketballs. There was a political party, a third party called the anti-masonic party, at a point in uh.

"$awbuck" Mike:

In the united states, the global pandemic treaty conspiracy and chill podcast uh, so my legal name is shane bales, conspiracy and Chill Podcast.

Shane Sedore:

I think of it more like an internet meme or kind of a placeholder for a concept and idea, which is that, you know, our world is run by cults and there is a cult that has infiltrated all of those cults to make sure that all those cults do what cults do.

Shane Sedore:

And you know that the top of the pyramid would be a small group of people that, going back to about 11,000 years ago, were convinced that their bloodlines were somehow superior, and so they tried to keep the power in a bloodline situation for, you know, a few thousand years and eventually, you know today, that's all fallen away from them.

Shane Sedore:

So the bloodlines don't matter as much, but the family names still do, and the tie-ins and the ownership of properties and corporations and all of those things still do. So nowadays I actually call the Illuminati the Umbrella Corporation, which I stole from Resident Evil, because that's a lot more of what they represent, because it's not so much the bloodlines like it used to be, it's more just people who are willing to play along with their systems and follow along with their cults and make sure that culture creation happens the way that they want it to. I come from families that are related to those bloodlines I mentioned, and over the years what they've done is just kind of monitor those bloodlines for people who have what they call hypersensory perceptions, blatant psychic abilities, things like that, and I was identified very young as being one of those people, and so they started to indoctrinate me into their various cults and they were grooming me, if I can use that word. Hopefully YouTube doesn't hear it the wrong way.

Shane Sedore:

They were grooming me for a specific type of role within their organization, and in order for that to happen, they needed to give me kind of an overview of how all these cults worked. So I became kind of an expert on cults, but not a specific one just how they all kind of work in concert to, you know, infiltrate the governments and everything else on the planet. It's what we call culture creation, so basically leading society around in a way that has a specific outcome that they have predetermined. So I started that when I was about four, when I was about 19,. I was trying to get out. I tried to get out before that, it didn't go so well, but at 19, I kind of put my foot down that I was either going to kill myself or they were going to let me out. So you can get out of these things. It just comes at a pretty high price and it takes some time.

Shane Sedore:

So I started that process when I was 19 and it ended between 26 and 30, as an example, and since then I've been kind of free of them, other than I speak publicly about my experiences with them and get the occasional slap on the wrist from a former employer or something like that.

Shane Sedore:

But other than that, yeah, I try to talk people down off the conspiracy ledge more often than I put them up on it or help coax them out of rabbit holes, that they're a little bit too stuck in more than I like to shove them down it. But yeah, that's kind of been my overview. That involved what people in the conspiracy community would typically call mystery schools typically called mystery schools. So you know a whole other education system that's based on a whole other understanding of history, a whole other understanding of science, a whole other understanding of just about any topic you can think of, and also, at the same time, simultaneously going through the public school system so that I could understand the differences, basically understanding how the public are being indoctrinated into one path while they are actually hiding this whole other path from us.

"$awbuck" Mike:

So when you were young, these people kind of sought you out and indoctrinated you with their ideology.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, that was where it starts right and I'm not unique. There's probably thousands, millions of people who have been swooped up into, especially in the modern times when they got away from the bloodlines, which I'll kind of get into more of their programs, projects and cults. But, yeah, because of the family tie, they identified me quickly and then because of my abilities and the way that they wanted because they study human potential and they've been turning it into technology study human potential and they've been turning it into technology but because I had those abilities, they wanted to use me to study them. And so where it starts is I was basically gifted to someone who was a higher level member of theirs almost I apologize if this triggers anyone in the audience, but it was considered a pet.

Shane Sedore:

I was a pet to this person and they were more or less what you guys might know as a handler. So they would, you know, be a person that was kind of indentured to and would make sure that my education uh, followed the what they wanted it to and so on, and that person I can't name, one of the main rules of getting out was to keep names and locations secret, which is more uh for your protection than mine. But uh, the idea is you not to name names and name and locations. But as an example, my first handler was a publicly known politician figure up here in Canada.

"$awbuck" Mike:

So it's like you're using your powers to get in my head, because I was just going to ask you was it, did it have anything to do with government, or was it kind of just separate from that?

Shane Sedore:

It's not always government, I mean, it's police forces, it's fire departments, it's education system, it's religions, it's anything that shapes society. They have a finger in for that reason. So the members can be and are in all of those different groups, and one of the things that I see people online trying to always do is like boil it down to like one race or one cult or one group of you know, these are the masterminds and they've been very clever to make sure that they're in all of them so that you can't actually do that. And another thing I always say is like the highest members of their organization, we don't know their names. Um, you know, if you make it in the, in the public world, everybody knows your name, but as soon as you make it in their world, nobody's gonna ever be able to find your name.

"$awbuck" Mike:

so, but as soon, as you make it in their world. Nobody's going to ever be able to find your name, so where would you recommend starting?

Shane Sedore:

I'm not sure it depends on what you guys want to hear about, really, because I could go in a million different directions myself. But yeah, so to boil down basically what they've been doing, especially since around the end of World War II, they broke up into basically three categories, which are programs, projects and cults. Cults, that's obvious, and cults have always existed. Projects would be when they start to bring cult ideologies into society, right. When they start to teach a certain country, a certain religion and get them all indoctrinated into that over history, those would be considered projects. Get them all indoctrinated into that over history, those would be considered projects. And so in modern day it's more, you know, getting certain curriculums into schools, getting certain projects into Netflix, things like that. But that would be the idea of a project is bringing things that came from the cults into society.

Shane Sedore:

And then the programs came a little bit later. They're run by the cults, but what a program refers to is them basically learning human potential, things like magic, things like psychic abilities, telekinesis, all of that different stuff which we now know the CIA has been playing with as well. That's one of the type of things, right, but being able to learn all of that stuff and then kind of do what they have done through the CIA, where they make us all believe that it was bunk and it was no nonsense. Well, meanwhile they were measuring it and studying it to a point where they've been able to recreate it all with technology. And the reason why they've done that is because if you know how to do magic and you know how to do these things for yourself, you're dangerous to them. But if you have all of those same things with technology, you're probably not going to think that you're just actually capable of those things. So there's a famous quote through Arthur C Clarke that's actually kind of reversed, which is technology indistinguishable from magic, right, and so that kind of feeds us into being like these aliens have all these hidden technology that's indistinguishable from magic, which is true.

Shane Sedore:

But you know, the magic is something that we have already had in history, and so a lot of what the occult has been is burying all of that truth, hiding all of that human potential, what we might call or consider to be magic and psychic abilities, things like that, telling us the truth out of one side of their face but also fictionalizing it out of the same side of their face, all the while selling back to us technology that just mimics what we're already capable of.

Shane Sedore:

So that's what the programs were for was to bring people who had, you know, psychic abilities, were mediums, anything you could think of that kind of falls into that ballpark in, test them, run them through a series of different you know diagnostic machines, as example, so that they could measure all of the things that make it happen, and then telling the public that it's not possible and everybody thinks that this is crazy and should be cast off to the side, into the fringe, while they sell us technology that they learned how to create based on that. So it's funny because we always call it reverse engineered technology, and you know that in that sense it's also true, because they're reverse engineering us into technology, not to say that they're not also, to follow your imagery, reverse engineering other technologies as well.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

but yeah, wow, I guess I got a two-parted question. So when you were young and you were exhibiting, what was it? Was it like you were spiritually sensitive, you kind of had a like clairvoyance, or you were showing like signs of psychic. Like how was it discovered? And like, was it by the school? Or like what exactly was it so then? And then the other half before I forget is when you said that they were indoctrinating you from a young age. Was it to do with that type of stuff? Like just like a totally different worldview? Was it spiritual? Was it kind of like oh, we're better than everyone else, you're like special, you're this.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, that's for the second half of your practice. That's the dangling carrot that keeps everybody in that. Right, we're special, we're better than you, right, and a lot of people believe that and they follow that. But going back to the beginning of your question, um, I was freaking my relatives out by doing things that children shouldn't be able to do, I guess.

Shane Sedore:

Um, the way my mother told the story was I didn't talk until I was about three and when I did, they found me sitting in my room staring at a wall and speaking word for word, all of the never-ending story. It was the movie, the never-ending story, great and right. And they said I was just staring at a wall running through the script and it scared the bejesus out of everybody. And then, yeah, I was answering questions that weren't being asked to me and things like that, shortly following that. And so a member of my family is you know, he's dead now, but he was a very high-level Freemason, he was what we would call a worshipful grandmaster of Freemasonry, and he found out and just basically handed me in, turned me in. Oh, I found one. Here's one. He happens to be related to me. So so, yeah, so that was where it started.

Shane Sedore:

And then what they do is they kind of? They nurture those abilities, right? They teach me more about why I can pick up thoughts from people. They explain to me why you know, occasionally, when I get really mad, things will go flowing across the room or the weather will change along with these, and how to control that and make it not happen or, like you mentioned, use it in specific cases, right, and so for a lot of the kids who got used in programs they weren't as conscious of it as I was, which we'll have to get back to, but to but that's a lot of what they were doing was using the human potential for their own gain as well, before they had the technology really rolled out. At this point, they don't really need the human influence in the same way, but building up to that, like through the 80s and into the 90s, basically up until around 2012, they definitely needed magiciansians, if you will, to um, control the world in the way that they do. And the second part of your question I almost forgot already like.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

What kind of teachings were they?

Shane Sedore:

oh, the, the, what they were doing before, what they were teaching me, okay. So, um, obviously I needed to understand what they believe. So they gave me their entire understanding of history and what they believe and all of that. I got to see it from a bunch of different points of view so that I could have that nice overview of it, and I'm always been meant to believe that too. So, as I'm growing up through this, it's like they'll tell me something is the truth right? Like just pick something arbitrary, like they give me a version of the bible and tell me that's the truth right, and so for. So for a long time I believe that it is, and I'm kind of looking at the world through that perspective. And then they're like actually, that wasn't the truth here. Read this one now, right, and there's a bunch of different stages like that along my upbringing and that was kind of how they were leading me through all of this.

Shane Sedore:

But it was all meant so that I would end up with maybe not just their, their ideologies, but also their worldview, so that, yes, I would look at myself as special and I would look at people like they're stupid and I would believe that we were the shepherds, to all of you sheep and everything that they believe in that way, which was the problem that they always had with me, is that I would. That was the part I could never accept, right. I just I did not buy that ever. It was against my soul, let's put it that way. And so that was the part that would always actually make me fight back.

Shane Sedore:

But that is what they believe, and so what they wanted from me was eventually to be some type of entertainer or public speaker who would share their ideology in a very convincing way, and basically what I do is take all of the same things that they've taught me and use it, despite them, to tell people the truth, even when they don't want to hear it, because a lot of the people in the conspiracy world I popped bubbles, because a lot of the stuff in the conspiracy world is just made up and built on top of made up and built on top of made up. It might point to something that's real, but it's what I call a conspiracy snowball, where they started with some like fresh snow and they started the snowball, but then, when they couldn't find any more snow, they just kind of rolled it around in some grass and dirt until they found more snow, and so we end up with this really dirty snowball at the end of the day, but yeah.

"$awbuck" Mike:

When you were younger and reciting the NeverEnding Story and answering questions that weren't necessarily asked to you, did you see any beings or entities, or was there some kind of power that was maybe putting these seeds in your brain? Do you remember anything like that?

Shane Sedore:

It's kind of a dimension that's just layered over on top of this one, and that's been one of my abilities since, yes, I was probably born. My entire life I've maintained it. I can see both kind of tuned between the two whenever I feel like it. So entities, if you will, disembodied spirits, things like that, have always kind of been around me. I don't think that that had any influence, particularly at that time, me.

Shane Sedore:

I don't think that that had any influence, particularly at that time, other than that was also one of the things that I was capable of, or reacting to that, um, you know, had them pull me in in the first place, and definitely one of the abilities that they nurtured the most.

Shane Sedore:

Because, uh, it's uh, and the way I describe it to people you probably hear, when people have like a ghost experience or something, then it kind of follows them. They end up having a bunch more right, and that is literally because we have these switches in our brain that allow us to discern between different dimensions or spectrums of information, both in sound and in light, and so those switches get flipped in people's minds when they have their brains, when they have that first experience, and that's why it leads to more, and so I just have a bunch of those flipped and they went in and helped flip more to make me stronger in that basically. But that does again, as much as they might want me to believe that I was special while they were doing this to me, I'm very highly aware that all human beings have this potential. It's just it's not nurtured, right. It's that difference between nature and nurture. These abilities are within our nature, they're just not nurtured.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Can you give us an example of some of the conspiracy snowballs that were built on fallacies?

Shane Sedore:

A lot of this stuff having to do with aliens, because most of it is directing around human involvement, right, directing away from human involvement, and kind of scapegoating, if you will something we'll never find, something we'll never catch, and so that's a big one. Within the conspiracy world, you end up getting into things like super soldiers and secret space program experiencers and things like that, and most of them are once again kind of repeating a lore, basically, that started with dis information and just continued being more experiencers coming forward, regurgitating their own flavor of that information, and then that testimony kind of added on to the next one, right, and they, generation after generation, to the point where that snowball was never. You know, the very core of that snowball is just dirt, and so that's. Those are examples of how it would work. And you know, the very core of that snowball is just dirt, and so that's. Those are examples of how it would work. And, um, you know that was by design. That was something that, uh, back when they were still indoctrinating me, it was before the internet had really taken off and they were preparing for it, and that was one of the ways in which they were doing it.

Shane Sedore:

Um, the conspiracy movement kind of started in libraries and rec halls and people's basements and stuff like that, so they were infiltrating it back then, getting disinformation about all of the topics we talk about in there, just to make us constantly chase our tail and create a bunch of rabbit holes that don't need to be there, that eventually we get trapped in and stuck in or fall in and spend too long in. And when the internet came along, they knew that we would just run with that ball from there. Right as soon as we could freely share information everyone can share their story and and all of these things, they knew exactly how that would all play out. So, and then we're in the middle of it now where, um, you know, leading up to 2020, you know, with the what I call the joy hit the world.

Shane Sedore:

Since then, we've had a lot more people come into conspiracy realms, right, start looking into conspiracy and they end up tripping and falling into all of these very deep rabbit holes that are conspiracy snowballs, something like the secret space program, if you guys have never delved into that, my friend Ryder actually calls that a conspiracy burrito, because it's literally every aspect of the conspiracy community all wrapped up into one burrito, and these people experience all of it, right? So yeah, it's a. That was all by design to get us so that, when we got to this point once again, we wouldn't be able to actually find the truth, even though it is right in front of us, because it's just the water so muddy.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

The alien aspect. A lot of people are kind of picking up on that being bullcrap and uh, with you being spiritually sensitive and saying you know being able to discern between the spirit realm or encounter entity and stuff, and then no shortage of uh, you know, occult conspiracies relating to these cults, or like believing that their bloodline is related to some ancient entities or spirits or whatever. So what kind of uh beliefs did they teach as far as like far out things to do with spirits, or like the entities they were trying to contact or serve, or like so-called satanic groups and whatnot?

Shane Sedore:

well, it's a a variety. Each cult has kind of their own flavor, but I'll give you the kind of overview of what the tip of the pyramid believes. Their history goes back to about 100,000 to 120,000 years ago, when whatever planet Earth was at that time got forever changed by the arrival of some type of spaceship and that spaceship bared the name type of spaceship, and that that spaceship bared the name Atlantis, and that that spaceship eventually contained aliens, and that those aliens came down and started interacting with us and formed a civilization that they eventually called Atlantis, and that civilization existed here right up until about 30,000 years ago in some shape or form. And so a lot of what they believe starts with that. Right that you know, whatever humans were back then kind of mixed with these Atlanteans and we ended up with a different version of human. And then, at about the 30,000 year mark, they have another introduction of more or less the same thing, which is where these reptilians start coming in which is that there was another group of again off-world species that we would call aliens who came down and took that version of human and changed it genetically and gave birth to what we are today. And so what the Illuminati believe is that they're the first version of that project and that's why their bloodline is special and the rest of us are all a subversion of that. And obviously you guys have probably hearing that echoing Zacharias Sitchin and the Anunnaki and things of that nature, right, but that group would once again be the authors of those stories, so that once again we're constantly chasing this name and this word, anunnaki, which is not even a name, looking for a species behind it that is not there.

Shane Sedore:

Um and so from there, they believe the Illuminati believes that they were put in charge by this alien race, more or less to uh, control civilization, to create culture, basically, and be our shepherds. As I've said before I use that word because it's their word and it's a good indicator of the way that they view us as sheep and they're the shepherds, right, or their parents were children is a lot closer to the words that they would use. And that's more or less how you treat us. They treat us, if you think about it, the way that they do lie to the public and whatnot, right, and you know it's like everything's a s? Claus story or a Satan Claus story, and so there's that aspect of it right at its core, and then Satanism becomes kind of that same belief structure and all of the same ideology, just brought down to taking it away from aliens and bringing it just into the spirit realm, right where we now are dealing with angels and demons.

Shane Sedore:

And angels and demons, as far as we've ever dealt with them, are a part of the planet. This is what we call interdimensional beings, disembodied souls, things like that. You might call them ghosts, sometimes you might call them poltergeists, sometimes you might call them demons. We have a variety of different names because there's a variety of different types, but most of their knowledge, if you will, isn't coming from aliens. It's coming from those interdimensional beings that they're interacting with, using people like me who can interact with them, or through various types of rituals that can temporarily what you might call thin the veil between our world and theirs or our dimension and theirs, so that they can have a little bit more of interaction.

Shane Sedore:

So I said a lot right there, but what's relevant to us really kind of does fit within the last 400 years and has nothing to do with aliens truly, other than the humans involved are aware of an alien history on our planet, and so they're aware of certain sites, certain areas of the planet where things have been buried that do belong to that old world, and so, especially over the last 200 years, they've been doing everything they can to find those places and dig them up and recover whatever they can from them.

Shane Sedore:

Um, your country's war with the middle east was all about that. To be honest, it's just like getting these different pieces of technology, which brings us back to the reverse engineering and the alien component of the reverse engineering. It's not that you know we have these uh, I hear it in the mainstream that we get these donations from aliens or whatever but it's more that they know that there's things underground that they were able to dig up that allowed them to reverse engineer and create new technologies, and that's the majority of the story. Obviously, the universe is filled with filled with life, and there are exceptions to that basis or that base, but, um, that's the majority of what's going on is they have a understanding of science and technology that is a completely different pathway to what they allow us in the mainstream world to know about I'm sure, being a canadian, you know what oak island is.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Could that be one of the places where something may be buried? Could be, I have to, yeah that's a rule I have to.

Shane Sedore:

I have to be careful. I could to. Yeah, that's a rule I have to. I have to be careful. I could use the one because it's a bag I hear you.

"$awbuck" Mike:

The other thing I was going to say is you, you kind of explained right there what the um, the people at the very tippy top of the pyramid believe. What are your findings kind of lead you to believe the same things.

Shane Sedore:

Uh well, I mean in terms of the logistics of it. Yes, I don't agree with any of their ideologies. Like I, I don't believe that humans are as irresponsible as they believe humans to be. I do believe that we've just never had the opportunity to find out, and I don't agree with this control structure that's been there for that long, that has never allowed us the opportunity to find out without getting scolded for it or ostracized or even killed for it. However, like their understanding of history is correct, um, you know it, this is becoming easier to talk about these days because of people like graham hancock becoming kind of popular, because he's pointing back to that, what they call the younger dryas impact theory, right like that, that idea that about 13,000 years ago something happened and that reset civilization and that is true, and the Illuminati are the people who basically brought the knowledge forward after all of that.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Something that's dear to my conspiracy heart and just everything. Uh well, first, if I had to take a guess, shane, you're probably irish, are you not? You look like a druid.

Shane Sedore:

You got the big beard and it's in my, to my family.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, for sure and what I was gonna say is I feel like druids play a huge part in this that they were like one of the remnants of, you know, somebody who preserved what we would call magic, or human potential, as you were saying, and other abilities and like innate knowledge of, like, the realm that we live in and stuff, and that's why they were so targeted and they had to go.

Shane Sedore:

Like in history, they were targeted big time by the roman empire, by the english empire, by the churches, like everyone wanted to get rid of the druids yeah, and if you follow the history I just laid out, when I said it's only really been the last 400 years, it's really been only been the last 400 years. For that too, all of that magic and the druids and various groups like that were all tolerated up till about 400 years ago, when they started changing things the way that they have, and especially in the last 200 years. But, yeah, we call pagan religions anything that's not christianity. Basically at that point right. And anything. We call pagan religions anything that's not Christianity, basically at that point right. And anything that does. You know, it's not a one religion. There was a variety of them, the Druids being one of them.

Shane Sedore:

But the thing that they all had in common does come from that older version of humans, right, and pre-Atlantean even time where we are kind of like Tolkien's elves in Lord of the Rings, where, like, our connection to the planet is so strong and in harmony that we don't need the modern technologies as we know them now and there's just different pathways to all of it. You guys in the conspiracy world I'm sure you've had tartaria come up as an example, right. All of that, like all of that, is pointing to the fact that, especially when the united states was formed but there's been different pockets of this all over the planet for years is a lot of those buildings pointed to different pathways to technology that they didn't want us to know about. North America was happening, or resettling of North America was happening, and this new world was being created so that you know they could keep us on all of the energy sources and the types of technology what I call pathways to technology that we currently use because of. Because of this, because of money and control.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, Wow, and as far as the timeline, do you have any theories of your own then? Like how old was some of these civilizations when there was these resets? Like a lot of the tartaria stuff seems to elude that it was within kind of the timeline you said the past 200 years that things really got reset and wiped out. So is there a certain chronology that you were taught in that or that you've come to? You know?

Shane Sedore:

subscribe to yourself yeah, so, um, it was about 400 years ago where, let's say, the people who control the illuminati were kind of giving the illuminati a choice to just share with all of us everything, or to try and keep their structure. And their choice was to keep their structure. And then about 200 years went by of basically people getting soft because they didn't have that backing that they were so used to and they weren't keeping up all their disciplines and practices and magic and everything else. So, coming up to about 200 years ago, they recognized oh, we're in trouble, we need to figure out a different pathway to do this, and that's where technology started coming in, and so, in order to facilitate that in a coming future, they needed to basically erase the history of what was there so that we didn't ever have that to fall back or see, look back on, and then from there, yeah, that's when we start to get into the timeline that we all know where they, um, you know, have basically since the 1800s, giving us a completely false history of what North America was and you know, even other parts of the world, both of the world wars. They destroyed a lot of very vital things, right, and we all know that now in history, but we don't, nobody really noticed at the time that that was also by design and both ended up setting up the world as we know it now. Yeah, so before that I guess there's a bunch of different things we could go into. But again, their history and the world as it is now starts about 13,000 years ago at the end of that major destruction.

Shane Sedore:

Where we were at at that point is Graham Hancock is not very far off. So we had a bunch of different pockets of humans that survived what had gone on, and you know they were left without their technology and without their sciences and without everything that they had their civilization as they had it. So they were all back in a rebuilding phase for a long period of time, which kind of didn't bring them all the way back to hundred gatherers, like Graham might say, but pretty close, right, like they had to get back in touch with all of the old ways of doing things. All the while that was going on, that group that created the Illuminati had their own patch on earth where they were planning to share what they knew with all these different pockets. Right, and so when you follow Graham Hancock's work and a lot of even what Zachariah Sitchin posits with the Anunnaki stories, that idea that from somewhere else came this group of men, the group of humans who then came along and started sharing technology again and sharing sciences again and sharing spirituality again and knowledge of the stars and all those things again.

Shane Sedore:

And so that is true, and that group is where the Illuminati starts. And that's just basically how they kept everything under control for forever. And as adjustments were needed, they came like Christianity is an adjustment Right. So when they started to lose control, they needed to maintain it, they needed to create a new pathway for control, and so that religion was formed as an example, not the only example, but an example.

"$awbuck" Mike:

What can you tell us about Antarctica, if anything?

Shane Sedore:

Well, right now it's covered in ice, but when it's not covered in ice it kind of looks like the rest of the world and this planet goes through cycles where those ice caps, if you will come and go, right now they're there but, um, you know, not too far into our future they're, they're, uh, that ice is going to go away and we're going to start to see what was there and it's really just again proof of that older history of this planet.

Shane Sedore:

Right, that's a lot of what the conspiracy is is making us believe that we're only, you know, however old they like to tell us, say that we are, they like, with the, the dating of the pyramids being less than 5 000 years old as an example, where now we're figuring out they're a lot older than that. That type of conspiracy is exactly what it's been about. They don don't want us to know that. You know, humans have been on this planet in the kind of form, similar form to what we are now, for 100,000 years, when they've been telling us that 10,000 years ago we were, you know, cavemen basically. And yeah, that's a lot of it.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Something that we ask a lot of guests is just general paranormal or you know what's your weird experience, type of questions, but I think it goes a lot deeper and further if we're going to ask you the same.

Shane Sedore:

I mean I could pick one. I have, like you know, the kind that I would call normal right, I worked security for a long time for MLSC, which is the that owns the leafs and the raptors. I looked after a few of their buildings. One of the buildings that I was looking after is, um, it's on the exhibition grounds in canada. It's where we had our world fair when you guys had yours in chicago and san francisco. Uh, we had one here and it's a piece of land owned by the queen still kind of operated, even though it's in toronto, independently of of Toronto, but it's very haunted grounds. We used it during World War II to basically bring a bunch of people over here and hang them, but the barracks were also there and various things. There's a lot of, let's say, ghost activity on the grounds that you know. Everybody who worked for me pretty much would have an experience, even if they didn't believe it. So I I mean I could run through a bunch of those but as an example that are pretty normal.

Shane Sedore:

So an example of we would have when the Marlies weren't playing there, which is like the AHL team for Toronto when the Marlies weren't playing there, they would rent the ice out to like local hockey leagues within Toronto, like men's hockey leagues, pickup leagues, and so we were having a night of those games and everyone had gone home, and one of the things I always did at night was go around and check the bathrooms. And so I was doing that, and with a woman's bathroom I'd always push the door open and say, security, is anyone in there? Before I would enter, because you know manners. And so I did that one night where I was expecting the building to be empty and someone was like, oh yeah, I'm in here. It was a woman's voice, like, oh, sorry, I'll wait right. And so I kind of waited, went down a small flight of steps, waited about 15, 20 feet from the door where I could see the door, waiting for her to come out. She didn't come out because I needed to escort her out whenever she came out. She wasn't supposed to be there. Whoever she was, she never came out. So I went back and I pushed the door open again. I'm like security, is anyone in here? No answer. So at this point I go security, I'm coming in. No answer. So I go in, go through, check all the stalls nobody's in there. And just at that moment I think to myself oh, it must have been a ghost, and I hear the same voice start laughing.

Shane Sedore:

As an example, yeah, we had a resident ghost that people would either see or hear on a regular basis, even without hearing about it ahead of time. This one area we call it the west annex. People would hear like keys jingling, or they would see an old man with thick glasses, like coke bottle glasses and suspenders look like he was dressed for 20 years ago walking around with this big uh ring of keys on his belt, and they would have it end up having a conversation with him, asking for directions, and then talk about this earl guy who doesn't exist. He's not. He's not a real employee, he's not a real person, but uh, that was another example. So, yeah, I could go on and on, but uh, I'll stop there so those are the normal ones, not normal ones.

Shane Sedore:

All right. Well, one thing I explain to people is that to keep people in the Illuminati, they would have to use what I call dangling carrots, so they would have to incentivize you. Unless you were an evil sociopsychopath who liked it, they would have to incentivize you in a lot of cases. So with me, one of my, my incentives, one of the dangling carrots would be things like cryptids. Um, I was always curious, like when I would hear these stories, like how many of these things actually do exist, and so, um, what I ended up finding out is that a lot of these things if not just about everyone that we've ever come up with has existed at at some point in time, and they have either several of them or a copy of them captured somewhere, and so a lot of cryptids that people would name. I've actually been able to go to a facility and see, and that sounds just insane and far-fetched and that's why I call it not a normal one, right? But yeah, those things, that's kind of the weirdest for me.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Are you familiar with a gentleman named Stuart Swerdlow?

Shane Sedore:

I am.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Your story is remarkably. I used to have a podcast in 2016, and he was a guest, tried to get him on this one, but he basically wanted to see us get a little bit bigger. I don't know, so I'm going to reach out to him eventually again soon. However, your story is remarkably similar to his Similar.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, you might not want to mention me if you're going to ask if we're going again. I don't think he likes me very much, but, um, oh yeah, he's uh. So one of the things that I did when I worked for what people call the illuminati was, uh, you know, you could call it disinformation, as we would contact various researchers and we would tell them things. Um, you know the, the idea of all you know. You could Google right now the 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati and you would find them. But we gave them to that author as an example. And there's a lot of other authors in the conspiracy land who got their information from insiders self-proclaimed, and those insiders were people like me, under a different name.

"$awbuck" Mike:

That makes sense why your stories would be similar. Then because he uh, yeah, he might have uh been fabricating not, not even I'm not, that's not what I'm even implying.

Shane Sedore:

It's similar because that's kind of how it works, right. It is a lot of the time like in his case it was it's a family thing, right? So if your family was involved and you exhibit any of those extra sensory perceptions, they've got you you're, you're already there, right. So that's the part that you know a lot of the similarities come from and again, it's very compartmentalized, so, kind of from the level that I'm talking from, from where a lot of other people speak from, it is a couple steps down the pyramid, so to speak, as well gotta gotta backtrack there to the cryptids.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I'm surprised you didn't jump right on it, mike. Uh, so basically it was like all right, shane you, you tell us about this spirit realm and we'll show you the big foot. And then you got to go see a facility. So which ones did you see that confirm? Like, can you tell us which ones are bullshit, which ones were real?

Shane Sedore:

uh, yeah, you'd have to start naming them to me for me to be able to say which ones are bullshit. Because just what's that mothman? Um, almost uh, there's creature. There's a creature that is like that, or there have been creatures that are like that. Um, they do have one in captivity. They think one's still in the wild. But if you were to cross Mothman with Jeepers Creepers, you'd be a lot closer to reality. The creature from Jeepers Creepers, yeah.

"Headhunter" Higgins:


Shane Sedore:

Yeah, this is. I think that that was something that the military created. That probably got away on them because they've done a lot of chimera experimentation. Even Alex Jones has talked about that. I think that that's what the dogmen are. And then obviously that's a kind of almost like a modern version of a werewolf right, which comes from something very similar, but the instead of using technology to do that. Actually no, I guess it's still technology, but like it's a mix of genetics basically, whereas a lot of when we think of a werewolf, we think of a man that shapeshifts into a werewolf right, but these were just werewolves that were bigger, had a tendency to get up on two feet kind of, had a little bit more of a muscular shape to their upper body than their lower body and used to run wild.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Loch Ness Monster and similar sea creatures.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, there's been many of them. Actually, there's probably still a bunch out there, but they've captured most of the ones that they could. Anyways, you remember, you might not know, but in the 80s they sent Jacques Cousteau after them after the Loch Ness Monster, and Jacques Cousteau saw something and then couldn't find it again and everything went cold after that. Everyone just believed it was bullshit, but they were like, oh, he found it, let's go get it. And uh, that's what happened in that situation. So, but yeah, there, um, canada was full of them. We had like agapogo, manapogo, igapogo, um, a whole variety of them. And then, um, I'm forgetting the name of the part of ocean off the coast of BC where they still think that there's water serpents. They're giant, um, you know, water snakes, basically, or ocean snakes, sea snakes, sea serpents that's the word I'm looking for what about mantis, though large mantis creatures?

Shane Sedore:

like the alien mantis mantis yeah, they like.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Uh, supposedly there's a lot of people that have actually seen what look like giant praying mantises. Yeah, they look similar in the head to greys. Yeah.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, it's usually an abduction experience that people are seeing those. So the abduction experience it might be a whole other conversation, because it's a pretty messy thing, because we have basically what now gets referred to, I think, in the public as my labs, which is military abductions and those were mostly staged as UFO abductions and basically they would bring, you know, kidnap. You do a bunch of testing, usually with drugs, things like DMT before everybody was doing DMT recreationally, things like DMT before everybody was doing DMT recreationally, things like DMT and abuse, and our memory of that, as our memories do, ended up kind of programming that into these various aliens and that's where most of it comes from. So, in terms of there actually being like mantis beings running around on planet Earth, that's not APEC. What about Bigfoot? So that would be so if you were to take that Anunnaki story of them splitting the local, the natural hominid of planet Earth with other alien genetics to create us.

Shane Sedore:

That was the natural home, so we tend to call them neanderthal um, so basically they're just an older version of us that lived and survived, um, you know, alongside us, definitely until that 13 000 years ago and beyond that, probably still up to the current day, and um, you know, a lot of the arguments are like why don't we find them? Why don't we find the dead? Why don't we find their poop? Why don't we find all these different things? Well, because they're not just stupid animals and they've evolved with this planet and they know where we are long before we know where they are. And they've also, you know, figured out how to stay away from us, such as coming out at night where we don't see too well, and they do. And when it comes to like psychic abilities, which I know a lot of, uh, you know, the people who chase bigfoot always talk about them like disappearing and stuff like that. They can't disappear, but they sure can convince you that they did so. Yeah, basically it's just a species of I don't want to call them human, but humanoid that is natural to this planet and exists in very small numbers still.

Shane Sedore:

But I've heard you know, we have a hard time getting news out of places like China and Russia, right, so there's like stories throughout Russia of like small villages of them where they wear clothes and have like a legal system and things like that, even places in China where you learn about Sasquatch as if it's a bear that you have to avoid in the woods Right.

"$awbuck" Mike:

So yeah, it's crazy because so much of what you're saying it jives with so many other things that I've heard, like, for instance, david Politis. He does the missing 411 and he has done dna samples on bigfoot and he has been trying to tell everybody for the last decade or so that it is. It's not an ape, it's an offshoot of the human species, as you said. Yeah, man, just the more you talk, the more I'm, the more everything that I've learned from different people, just kind of it all, is making a little bit more sense. It's.

Shane Sedore:

It's kind of spooky, yeah, and david's work is another one where I it's kind of spooky, yeah, and David's work is another one where that's kind of an example of where we create a conspiracy snowball, sometimes by trying to make it like all those people are missing just because of Bigfoot or just because of aliens or just because of any one thing, where it's actually a large combination of things. These programs that I was talking about as well, I was participating in them, but for the I'd say, the majority, definitely more than half of the humans used in these programs, they were kind of abducted from their beds and brought in and drugged and kept in a facility for a week and then sent home on drugs again and woke up not really knowing what was going on. And then they end up recovering their memories through dreams or little fragments that come back. And then they end up recovering their memories through dreams or little fragments that come back, and then they hear stories about aliens and they hear other things and they kind of filling in all those missing spaces with things that they hear from other people as well, which is a lot of. Where the similarities between a lot of the stories does come from is like other people hearing other people's stories and filling in those gaps, but that doesn't rule out the fact that there's a phenomenon there to begin with, and, um, something that you know, uh, for myself, speaking in the alternative community, I've always kind of pointed out that that is the case, that for a lot of the people who are participating, you know they're they're deliberately misled as to what was going on, they're deliberately made to believe it was aliens or made to believe they were taken in a craft and things like that, because, once again, that that you know keeps the humans out of the picture and we'll never get the people actually involved in trouble.

Shane Sedore:

But, you know, from that perspective, I can understand why they remember things the way that they do, because one of the things that the programs has is, you know, incredibly advanced technology beyond what we, even still today, would believe that they have. It's starting to very quickly come out into the public now and a lot of it has to do with virtual reality type of technology. So where they're actually at, with the ability to put you in a simulation, is way beyond what they would admit right now. However, I would say that all the components to make the simulations are in the mainstream right now they're just isolated. So if you take Neuralink over here and you take a lot of this other technology that they're talking about, about being able to read songs from a person's brain or put a song into a person's brain, this other technology where they're hearing orca language, and this other one where they're experimenting if you just put it all together, we have the matrix already. We have the ability to give us such a potent simulation that we do believe it's real.

Shane Sedore:

So a lot of these people who are claiming that they were in these different super soldier programs, secret space programs, abductions, things like that, really they've just been run through these very high level virtual reality simulations, while also on drugs, which is what doesn't allow them to be able to distinguish that from real life, and they recover this all in memory, mostly triggered by hearing people speak online, and then it ends up all kind of fix fitting into the same box. For that reason but that's where it comes from is that these programs they used a lot of unwilling, witting people, and the point that I started on is that not all of those people came back Right, so meaning that they did kill people, not just intentionally, but also very accidentally, while running all these experiments on people as well, accidentally, while running all these experiments on people as well.

"$awbuck" Mike:

There's been a lot of mass UFO sightings, like the aerial school in Africa, roswell, just the Varginha the Varginha incident in Brazil.

Shane Sedore:

Are these largely orchestrated by the government? As a PSYOP, unfortunately, yes, I mean. The one question I always get people to ask about the one in Brazil, is who recovered it? Right, it was the United States military. If you were Brazil, would you let the United States military come in? And you know, no, you'd be keeping that for yourself. You'd be like we found this, this is ours, unless you knew it was the Americans already and you had to let them come get it back Right. A lot of the other cases I think are very similar.

Shane Sedore:

I did a podcast recently where someone told me a story I didn't know actually, about um I think they call it the alabama metal man and when he showed me the pictures of the alabama metal man, like that is nasa's mercury space suit just about 25 years before we saw it through nasa right and um.

Shane Sedore:

So to me that just that just sounds like one of their programs that got away from them. Somebody saw it through NASA, right, and so to me that just sounds like one of their programs that got away from them. Somebody saw it and reported on it, and they did their best to cover it up by making it seem like it was aliens from outer space, as opposed to just their highly hidden technology. It's the same thing, because in the late 80s and early 90s, everyone was seeing these giant triangle crafts, crafts, and then we got the stealth bomber right. So, um, yeah, it's the same thing, and it's going on right now as well with, uh, the uap stuff that they're coming out in the media. This is just what you would call a slow disclosure of technologies.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

We're not supposed to know that they have what do you think will be the next big PSYOP? We had the big joy, as you called it, the plandemic, the current blue beam stuff that they're pushing out, that you just mentioned too. What do you anticipate is the next attack for the sheeple?

Shane Sedore:

I hate to say these things because it can kind of make them happen, but the way that they operate, they always have several balls in the air, as I put it, and whichever one makes the most sense at that moment they use, and so it could be a variety of things. Technologies like Bluebeam aren't there, but that'd be really hard for them to pull off, to be honest, and I think enough of us talk about it that we wouldn't be convinced, right, and I think doing something exactly like the joy would be the same. However, what I'm worried about them doing is because they're trying to push this treaty through with WHO to basically have those pandemic emergency powers whenever they feel like it right. Simultaneously, the biden administration keeps making this huge deal out of how mental health is health and that we're having a mental health epidemic and that people who you know support maga or are on that side of things are mentally ill, right and a problem. So I'm worried that the next version of that we're going to see is going to be something like that and that could be caused in a variety of different ways.

Shane Sedore:

Some kind of points that could play into this is something similar to this announcement that the vatican's supposed to do about a rise in supernatural events and supernatural perceptions. They've been running this thing in the media about people seeing demon face as an example and, um, along with all of the you know increase in uap sightings, all of the different deep fake videos and everything going on. I just think that the next scandemic, as you put it, will have something to do with you know nothing, even physical, and just somewhere like. Your opinions are wrong, basically, and therefore you're mentally ill mentally ill.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Oh yeah, I could see it with some hate speech bills. And then they just say whatever is hate speech is you know you're criminal for thinking it or saying it or posting it, whatever it may be. And uh you? So you said the vatican is going to or they, they made an announcement, or trying to get people prepared for increased supernatural activity. When was that?

Shane Sedore:

uh, just recently. I don't think it's even happened yet. They just announced it recently. So the last time they did something like this was back in 2008, where they started talking about aliens and potential for aliens and how they would baptize aliens. Now they're doing the same thing.

Shane Sedore:

So there's a bunch of factors in here. Like you know, the decriminalization of a lot of psychedelics and getting people like microdosing, mushrooms and stuff like that. A lot, a lot of people are altering their perceptions on a regular basis. We also have this broadband technology that flows through the air on frequencies that we can't see, taste or touch and can affect our perceptions. That has a number and a letter and our cell phones are all connected to it. We're speaking over it right now, and that type of technology actually does have the ability to read and write what's going on in here. So, um, you know their ability to even do something where, like mass hallucinations, they have the technology in place now.

Shane Sedore:

So, um, prior to q anon, uh, going all the way back to about 2010, one of the first things I tried to warn conspiracy researchers about was QAnon that this was coming, that they were gonna do this and it was gonna capture a lot of conspiracy theorists and this was going to be a problem because it was gonna become an excuse to criminalize conspiracy theorists and call them domestic terrorists. And then QAnon happened. And here we are. So I have a feeling, a feeling that they're setting up for the next evolution of that, and I don't think it'll be quite as simple as QAnon, although I'm sure QAnon will be back and involved but something like that and it could be just. You know, I made the joke when the United States elected George W Bush the second time that this proves that 56% of Americans are crazy, and that was a joke at the time. But you know you could make that not a joke in a hurry if that election goes the wrong way.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I can totally see that playing out too. Hopefully not spoken into existence, but who knows? Everybody within our community knows that this year was probably going to be kind of crazy, and it hasn't really disappointed.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, and they also just dropped. You know they do predictive programming. Well, you guys have probably bumped into that, so they put things in movies that you know. We say it predicts the future, but it really doesn't. It conditions us to play out a certain future, so they'll show us a scenario. They'll show us a scenario. They'll show us the actors responding in a certain way, and then we are programmed to respond in that way too. So there was a pretty popular Netflix series that just went by Three-Body Problem, which is based on a great book, but the series is also great. If you guys haven't seen it, you probably should and that came up in that that, like they were it's supposed to be like a couple of years from now or whatever. And they were it's supposed to be like a couple years from now or whatever. And they were saying that basically, they were having this massive lockdown because of a mental health crisis oh, wow.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

And then the whole train derailment thing was in a bunch of movies and yeah, that happened and it seems like that keeps happening the, the boat hitting, uh, the bridge there in baltimore, right after uh leave the world behind with that boat scene.

Shane Sedore:

Things like that. I'm sure you guys have seen it with the Simpsons. It looks like some of that artwork is kind of inspired by that as well. Right, they've predicted all sorts of things that have happened, and that's how it works. It's not so much that they're letting us know ahead of time that that's going to happen, but that's how culture, creation works, that's how magic works. It's a combination of imagination, will and conviction works. It's a combination of imagination, will and conviction. They feed our imagination.

Shane Sedore:

Our will is all over the place, because we're all you know, we have way too many emotions and then through our actions, the world gets created and uh yeah, and so a big part of what we're kind of enduring through them is now is that you know they've kind of trained people that your perception is reality and your feelings are all that matter and you should just act on them, and so everyone's kind of throwing thought out the window and throwing logic and reason out the window, and that's a problem, because they teach the other.

Shane Sedore:

They teach something that's actually called the trivium method, which used to be part of our education system and that orders things in thinking, feeling and acting in that way. They call it grammar logic rhetoric In computer sciences. It's still there input processing, output, right, and that's the way that we're supposed to be doing things. But they've got everyone up in their feelings now and everyone's operating from like the heart chakra, if you will. And because we're doing that, we're not thinking things through properly, we're just going towards what our feelings are telling us. And you know the unfortunate part of being human that is difficult is our feelings are not true just because they're there. Right, we have emotional reactions to things that aren't even there and we have feelings about. It's a power that no one's ever really taught us how to use and at this point in time, a lot of the problems we see in the world are a reflection of them removing that order from us, where now they've got us all up in our feelings and acting from them and we're slowly destroying the world.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

So yeah, I've never heard it put that way.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I like that. What three books would you recommend for somebody that was a novice in the area but really wanted to take, you know, some deep dives?

Shane Sedore:

I don't know, man. Um, whenever anyone asks me about books, I tell people to read anne rice's vampire chronicles because, um, you know, there's not only the history of the organization. We've been talking about a lot of the things about how culture, creation and history shaping works are in there, and it's a deep dive into how magic actually works as well. You know, a lot of the time I would again point to fiction. I would point to something like even the Celestine prophecy will open your eyes to a lot of things. Lord of the Rings, you know a very popular one as an example In terms of like the nonfiction books out there that a lot of these authors are writing.

Shane Sedore:

I always just say read everything. I wouldn't point anything to anyone If I were to say who the best conspiracy researcher was, based on what I know and what I've heard them say I haven't listened to them too much over the last few years, but Michael Tesarion is a great resource, excellent researcher. He's very close on a lot of different things and, um, yeah, I think that's the best I can do with that question.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

To kind of backtrack a little. You mentioned vampires and I know that that could kind of fall into a cryptid. And then there's the adrenochrome, if we can even say that, or you know, the whole blood magic ritual aspect that goes into it. And you know, trying to stay young, and is there anything to vampires and vampirism?

Shane Sedore:

Yes, it's not, you know, know, exactly like the fiction, but, uh, I was kind of hoping not to go this this deep into things, but I did write it into my blog so I guess we'll talk about it. So, at the top of the illuminati are it started with 13 individuals, one for each of the bloodline. It's it expanded over time, but that's where it started and each one of those has what we might call a life extension technique that allows them to not be immortal in like, you know, the fictional, but they don't die, they don't grow old, they don't die and beyond what they were, and one of those versions, one of those life extension techniques, is very similar to what we call vampires, not the dracula sense, but again more close to the android sense. Um, I kind of keep bringing that up because a lot of these, like bigger authors and stuff, they end up coming from. You know, that's what I could be doing right now if I had a state in.

Shane Sedore:

As an example, I could be someone whose name you know, in the same vein as like a jk rawlings or a terrence howard or, uh, you know, like a david ike, maybe right, like um, someone, someone like that is kind of what they were grooming me for, because that's how they do it. A magician has to show you their hand. Basically, part of what they think absolves their karma for all this nonsense is that they tell us what they're going to do before they do it. They tell us how they do what they're doing and whether or not we see it is up to us. It's a little bit tongue in cheek because they usually show us in fiction, or I should say they show us in fiction, but that's why I would say something like reading the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice would probably be more educational than a lot of nonfiction books that are out there educational than a lot of nonfiction books that are out there.

"$awbuck" Mike:

You mentioned Terrence Howard and we're recording this. Maybe three or four days after he was on the Rogan podcast, I brought it up and I texted Tom last night. I was 15 minutes into it and I'm like, dude, you got to listen to this. I listened to the whole thing all three hours. So you brought him up, but I'm not sure in what sense. Is he a part of these organizations or is he a whistleblower like yourself?

Shane Sedore:

we're going through right now on a global sense, that all this control from the Illuminati and these powers that be aside, we're going through an evolution as a species and those of us who are kind of like in line with that are going one way and the rest of us are kind of going into this new version of human. That's all technology, transhumanisms. We could talk about that in terms of the lollipop right, like that kind of a division, that that is why we're seeing these things and it's because of this evolution. So we're having a rise in consciousness and, uh, a lot of different people are figuring a lot of truth out just simply because of that. So someone like terence I don't even know would be controlled in any sort of way. He could have just come across that through this mechanism of this evolution, this rise of the, the consciousness I keep trying to call it by its real name but I don't want to piss off any christians but this rising consciousness that we're going through, um, you know it, it allows us to see through the veil a little bit more. It allows us to understand and know the truth. It's got us more in touch with our own soul outside of here and the planet itself and the nature of the whole universe, and so I think that that's why something like that is coming out, and why I kind of brought him up in that context is just because of you know how that information is getting controlled. But what he's pointing to is that older version of technology or that older pathway to technology that I was talking about Same thing with Tesla, right, and in some way they will be bringing that back, and so someone like Terrence is kind of like this just little nugget to slowly prepare us towards new pathways to technology.

Shane Sedore:

Usually, when they're making a big deal of something, it's because they have a new technology coming to fix it. So when you see, like a rise in cancer, it's because there's a new technology coming along to fix it. When you um, I was thinking of another one just before that but, yeah, these different things, because they've the energy crisis, it's because they have a new pathway for energy that they're getting ready to bring out in the public. And, yeah, problem reaction solution, like tom said earlier, is it zero?

"$awbuck" Mike:

point energy that they're going to be unrolling here.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, it's going to be bio bioelectric energy.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

We're going to power things and that's probably got something to do with climate change that they've been pushing into huh yeah, what was the phrase?

Shane Sedore:

we are the carbon they want to reduce. Um, but yeah, like, uh, things likeink. Darpa has put out these various pills that work based on your own bioelectric signal, and that's what the battery gets charged by this technology that they're building these the common name 15-minute cities out of, with this new graphene infused concrete that also not only it conducts electricity, basically, so instead of having to run wires, they can just run it straight through the concrete. The other part of it is is that our kinetic energy, of living within it, because we all have an energy field that, like radiates energy, is actually feeding all of that, almost like we're feeding a battery that will then get sold back to us, which is pretty hilarious. But, um, but yeah, that that's the next direction that they're going, where we will be the power for things. I'm pretty sure some cell phones are already um working like that, where, if you hold them, you can charge them.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Um, I'm not sure for whatever reason, when you mentioned energy fields, I thought of this and it kind of has nothing to do with energy fields, but for whatever reason it sparked this in my head. When I was a young man in the middle late nineties, I was dating this girl and she had a family friend. She was Japanese. She had a family friend named Akira who was a prisoner in the American concentration camps during the war and and this man had the craziest, like crystal eyes, that like he didn't look normal but and he was supposed.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I didn't believe it at the time, but he was supposedly someone who could see auras in people and see their different colors and their energy fields and, um, he made these several predictions. But you know, I was 17 years old and I'm like, yeah, okay, you know I didn't really believe it too much then, but the older I've gotten, the more I realized he was probably right on. And the question I got for you I took a long way getting there is can you see energy fields or is that a real thing, or?

Shane Sedore:

not energy fields, but auras. Well, um, we all have an energy field. It's about 3.5 meters in diameter, about six feet across. Um, stay six feet apart. Uh, when our energy fields overlap with each other, there's an energy exchange. All energy is also information. So even just being in proximity to each other, we're kind of telepathically communicating on some level. Hence, stay six feet apart when we're trying to lie to you all. But, um, but, yeah, that's just.

Shane Sedore:

Uh, I think the heart math institute has even quantified it scientifically. They call it electromagnetic field that the heart puts off. But that's only one of three aspects of what actually makes up the field that we all have. Um, some people see that as an aura that is more tight to the body, but technically it's more of kind of like an orb or a spheroid uh torsion field around us. And, uh, if, if we were to, you know, take all the matter away and just see each other as we are, that's probably more akin to what we actually would look like. Are these, um, orbs of light, if you, a light of information and consciousness?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Do you know anything about the colors of the auras? Did they mean different things? Can you see them? Did you ever learn what the different colors are?

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, our energy. We have this very massive spectrum of emotions, right, everything from love to fear and all these different denominations in between, and very similar to stuff like Terrence was just talking about. A lot of frequencies can also be ascribed to a color, right. And so when you're seeing things on that way, even within our energy field right now, there's all these like different spirals of color, and each one of those colors does represent a different emotion that we've had throughout the day or a different feeling that has come up in us, and so if you have that perception isolated to just an aura, that would probably look like it's almost changing color, similar to a mood ring or something like that, where it's like if the person's angry, it goes red, or arbitrarily, or if they're, you know, scared, it goes a different color, or something like that.

Shane Sedore:

But, um, you know, it's about perception and people perceive things in different ways, but the signals are the same. Basically, is what they're picking up different clairvoyance. Some of them just see like a, a shape or a shadow where a ghost is, and some of us see full, full definition. But either way, we're both seeing something in the same place, right that? Uh, when it comes to seeing subtle energy like that.

Shane Sedore:

Uh, it's different for different people and I actually encourage that, which is a thing within magical teachings that is discouraged, right, like the guided meditations where sit, the way I tell you to breathe, the way I tell you to visualize what I tell you to to you're a martial artist, add what is specifically your own is always an important part, and that's something that we need to do when it comes to these spiritual abilities is not be so hung up on. You know, is the way that I'm seeing it correct, because Tom said he said it is thought differently, right? No, the way that you're seeing it is the way that you see it. There's something there and that's the way you're identifying it, and that's important part of the thing that we get discouraged by.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

That keeps us away from it, to be honest, and how it's almost like when people are totally closed off to the belief of something like that, that they never would have an experience like that, and they, they kind of want to stay there too, like if I don't think about it, it won't happen if I, if it's not out of sight, out of mind yeah conviction is is that what we're convinced of at the end of the day?

Shane Sedore:

is you know a big part of what we experience, a big part of what happens? And uh, yeah, if you don't have anything to base that on and you're just following what everybody else is telling you, then we end up with this collective reality that we have where, unfortunately, the majority of those are doing it and those of us who see it in a different way are the minority now. But uh, yeah, if we can switch the sides, if you will, or turn those tides, if you will, then it will change as well. And that's how we get big changes in the world. And when I talked about the evolution we're going through, I believe that that's where this leads. As dark as it kind of sounds to say that they're trying to strip all of our natural ability and sell it back to us as technology, the end result of that is we're going to see the technology and be reminded of the truth and be reminded of reality.

Shane Sedore:

I thought about this listening to a Joe Rogan podcast the other day, with the gentleman talking about simulation theory, because the way that he's describing things, this is kind of how the universe works. It's kind of how each planet works. It's just he's subscribing it to like some type of computer, whereas maybe it's just some form of consciousness that we don't understand right, but the principles and the way that it's rendering for all of us almost individually, would still all be true. So that's a way that I think. I believe that we're building these simulations out the way that we are, so that we can get more in touch with the way that this particular planet actually does work.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I'm pretty sure, I'm almost positive. I know your answer, but it's been kind of a thing of mine lately to ask our guests Are you a flat earther? I am not.

Shane Sedore:

No, I understand the perception of it. It falls very much into what I was just talking about. It's an organic technology. It's not solid the way that we think it is, and it is responding to consciousness and therefore we can alter things. They can't get those 3D physics right either Right, and so when our brain is processing all of this, we don't quite see it right, but there's enough proof in the results to know that this isn't a flat Earth.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I'm not sure. I don't know what we're on.

Shane Sedore:

Do you?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

think it is a ball then? And what NASA tells us? And we're spinning millions of miles through space.

Shane Sedore:

Still not exactly Right. Yeah, I don't know. It would probably be a whole other podcast for me to go too too deep into this, but, um, you know, a lot of this spinning is, let's say, incorrect, but most of it is right. There's just, there's a fundamental misunderstanding there. Um, some of the stuff that terence was coming out with as an example, tesla came out with, as well many other people besides him. I was just using him because it's like new in the zeitgeist, right, that guy coming out with that stuff. That's a lot closer to it. There's this element of frequency and sound that we haven't quite quantified enough to control yet and definitely not enough to explain to each other yet.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I think that's like the biggest, or one of the biggest technologies from the past that we've lost is the sound frequency technology. I mean, I'm sure they have it, they, but the general people don't you know?

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, when you look at the most ancient languages, it's basically singing, right, and there's a reason for that.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Anyone who plays music or listens to music knows that there's magic there, right, so that's undeniable what do you think is the earliest languages, because I know there's a lot of different theories of what came first or what it sounded like in modern times.

Shane Sedore:

I wouldn't even know, to be honest. Um, yeah, I think they all kind of came out around the same time, which is probably why they all kind of came out around the same time, which is probably why they all fight about it. I think that line that's in the book is not exactly true, but the idea of, like, confuse their languages so that they can't talk to each other, I think that that did happen, and it just happened basically with the formation of this Illuminati, when I was talking about them sending out people to kind of share information. That's when the languages as we know them today were all ended up being formed.

Shane Sedore:

And that's a, you know, that's a control structure in and of itself, because even if you get into some old forms of Arabic, there's been people who've been able to change the color of a flame on a candle by saying different words. Right, there's an aspect to that. We see it in orcas, we see it in dolphins, we see it in humpback whales, we see it in all kinds of birds, all kinds of different things. If you have a guitar, drop it into 432 hertz and tell me you don't feel a difference. Right, there's literally a harmonic there. That doesn't exist in 440. And yeah, that's an old pathway of technology.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Well, shane, you are amazing. My man and we, we are so happy to have people like you around and especially we are happy to have people like you that are willing to come on shows like ours and and just kind of you know, tell what you can. But we absolutely appreciate it, man. I know I learned a fucking ton a ton and I'd love to have you back. I, we absolutely appreciate it, man. I know I learned a fucking ton A ton and I'd love to have you back. I'm sure Tom would too.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Definitely gonna have to do it again.

Shane Sedore:

Yeah, man, anytime We'd love to talk to you about martial arts, actually, and how magic and martial arts used to be connected and they've been separated for a reason. That's why we have McDojo life in our genetic memory.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

That would be an amazing episode. We should definitely talk about that next time, because I've been feeling that more and more, and I even have a video on my YouTube channel called Wrestling is a Spiritual Ritual and, yeah, I think that's going to be the next one.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah, cool. Is there anything you're working on that you'd like to promote?

Shane Sedore:

I mean, if you guys put the beginning of the link tree URL up there after the slash Shaneane underscore sudor, you'll find all my links. I do have a patreon channel because I don't like dealing with the general public in this conspiracy world anymore, and so I put the paywall there to be like at least you're not an asshole. If you're gonna, you know, come in and pay for it. Um, but I do everything there in terms of podcasting. I do, you know five or six of them a month, a whole backstory to all of this stuff. That goes into a lot more detail. There's a fictional blog out there called the Ruiner Blog. You could read I wrote that and it's got all of this information coded in it as well.

Shane Sedore:

And, if anybody is interested, I do teach what I do in terms of magic, because all of the different things that I learned how to do I choose not to do. But it's a muscle and if you lose your muscle it's really hard to get it back. It took a long time to develop that muscle and you don't want to lose it, right? So what I developed for myself a number of years ago was kind of a way that I could practice magic without doing magic, I call it practicing in safety mode, kind of like on a computer, how you can download a new program and try it out in safety mode without damaging your computer, same type of thing.

Shane Sedore:

And so this is all the things that I learned through them, that I've kind of modified in my own way, and uh, I now teach other people. Uh, it's a like a one-on-one class. The price is 333, because that's a fun number, and uh, we do it over three different calls, one-on-one that way. I know at the end of each call you understand everything and I can put it in words that you understand and that kind of thing, as opposed to teaching a class who people might be afraid to ask questions, right, but but uh, yeah, that's about that fucking shane sudor.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And if you listen to this and you were a little unclear on why we had him, a previous guest, mike turpin, the psychedelic athlete.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

He recommended him and, boy, he didn't disappoint brother that was definitely one of the more wild ones that we've had and, like I asked him, normally when we ask these type of questions we're we're reaching or trying to pull something out of them, but we already know this guy's gonna have some crazy stuff to tell us, and we mentioned the cryptids and the vampires and shit. It was a at least on my end a pretty captivating episode dude.

"$awbuck" Mike:

yeah, this was awesome. I mean, it was just like you and me were just like asking her questions and he was just going and I don don't know if I, I don't know, I don't know what to think. I don't, you know, I don't, I don't know what to think. But I will say this I do try to stay pretty level headed, even though I do believe in a lot of fucking conspiracies. But a lot of what he was saying, like when I asked, hey, do you know who Stuart Swerdlow is he? Hey, do you know who Stuart Swerdlow is he? Yep, you know. He knew exactly who he was and he even corroborated a lot of what Stuart said.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And one of the things he was saying I wanted to ask him and didn't get a chance to was when he was explaining the abductions and the drug-induced and how they're gone for a few days and then these memories start coming. That's the Travis Walton story. That's fire in the sky. You know, I mean everything he was saying. It's like the David Politis thing, it's like I've heard from somewhere before, and I'm not saying that in a bad way. I'm saying that as that adds credence to Shane.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

So it's crazy. Yeah, everything he said was just tying together a lot of conspiracy stuff that you know it would have come from insiders or people like him to even reach the public. Like all these cults, these occult people, the you know the beliefs, like I have a pretty good idea of what I think the so-called elites believe and like what kind of like occult stuff they're up to and, yeah, pretty much spot on what he said.

"$awbuck" Mike:

It it's like the Canadian. It's like the Canadian. Stranger Things don't you know?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

There's definitely a lot of Canadians like him, I've noticed and it makes sense because their government is completely pussy and annoying and like invasive. It's like a little bit worse America.

"$awbuck" Mike:

You know, I recorded the Zoom meeting as soon as we got on and we were just kind of bullshitting a little bit. You know, I recorded the Zoom meeting as soon as we got on and we were just kind of bullshitting a little bit. You know, waiting for you, and we talked a little bit about politics and being in Canada and Trudeau, and yeah, maybe we'll try to tie that in there. But yeah, he was biased and basically, hey, from down here, fucking Trudeau looks like a clown. You know, I'm sure it's different, like I'm sure the spin is different up there. And he, he essentially said, yeah, he's a fucking goof, and unless you're a liberal, of course but yeah, man, um, canada used to be a place now, okay, I can't go there, I'm a felon, right but it used to be a place that I really wanted to go to and now that I can't, I don't even, I don't even like I don't even feel bad because of the way that that country, where it's headed you know what I mean like it's.

"$awbuck" Mike:

It's falling fast, bro. Hopefully we're not right behind him. I definitely think we're fucking behind him, maybe in front of him, maybe in some ways?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

yeah, do you think was the craziest thing, shane?

"$awbuck" Mike:

said Fuck, dude, the craziest thing. He said oh my gosh. Okay, I don't know. I would obviously have to probably listen to it four or five times to really identify the craziest thing, but I'll tell you, one of the craziest things that I always have a hard time grappling with is the reptilian thing. No one wants to believe that they're real more than me. I just have a hard time believing that there is reptilian shapeshifters that are really walking around. Maybe having a hard time is the wrong way, because it's not really that far-fetched in my mind. However, that's just one of the ones I do have a difficult time kind of grasping or buying into, if you will, but he says it like he knows it he says that it's happening.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

The reptilians was always one of the easiest easiest to believe because it's one of the coolest sounding oh definitely the coolest sounding dude, definitely it almost gives them a little bit too much power, though, when you consider, like he was saying, though, blaming some type of an off-world entity instead of just these piece of shit people who are behind it.

"$awbuck" Mike:

maybe the craziest thing that he said was the atlantis, how the spaceship atlantis came down and then they called the civilization atlantis. I definitely think that some some folks may have came down, but yeah, I don't know. I mean a lot of what he said I do buy into, it's just I don't know man. This podcast was spooky in a way because of what he was saying. It was informative, it was spooky, it was kind of like an amalgamation of all these kind of different feelings, you know.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Can I honestly say it was probably the creepiest one we've done, in a way, just because it did feel like, oh shit, no, this guy's been there and seen that and done that, which is how calculated and just nonchalantly talking about it. Yeah, Definitely going to have to do a McDojo martial arts one with him.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Oh yeah yeah, I was going to ask him too. I was going to be kind of uh, it was gonna kind of be like a fucking goof. At the end I was gonna be like, hey, uh, before before we let you go, probably the most important question who's the uh, best canadian mma fighter of all time? Because if he says anybody besides george saint pierre, you know what, though? So shane, he left when he was like 18, 19, 19,. He said he was able to leave successfully. He tried once before and it didn't work out. Well, he probably had to stay away from a lot of pedophiles.

Shane Sedore:

Thank you Bye.

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