Conspiracy and Chill Podcast

20 | Mike Turpin | Psychedelic Athlete, DMT and Multidimensional Consciousness | "Im Not Just Me, Im You"

"$awbuck" Mike & "Headhunter" Higgins

When Graham Hancock sparked a curiosity in Mike Turpin's mind, little did he know it would lead him to a path of profound self-discovery and transformation. Join us as we sit down with the "Psychedelic Athlete" himself to uncover the incredible impact of DMT and psychedelics on his life – a journey that transcends the boundaries of reality and consciousness. Mike shares his transformative experiences, from otherworldly communications to life-altering insights, and we delve into the enigmatic nexus of martial arts and altered states.

Strap in as we cruise through a psychedelic landscape where the usual boundaries of the mind are left in the dust. Hear about how these substances not only influenced Tom "The Headhunter" Higgins's evolution from wrestler to a jiu-jitsu artist but also reshaped his students' approaches to training. We explore the fascinating concept of our consciousness inhabiting multiple dimensions and realities, challenging what we know about our existence. This episode is an intense reflection on the essence of our being and the potential of a collective consciousness that connects us all.

As we wrap up, the conversation takes a light-hearted turn, recounting amusing anecdotes from the open sea to the cultural differences in cannabis consumption. We laugh at our shared primal fear of the vast unknown waters and debate the merits of adding tobacco to joints. It's a rollercoaster ride through the profound, the philosophical, and the downright comical. Thank you for tuning in, and don't forget to follow our journey on social media for more captivating discussions that span the depths of reality and infuse a dose of humor into our collective experience.

Mike Turpin is The Psychedelic Athlete

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Mike Straus @sawbuckmike X
Tom Higgins @HeadhunterHiggins IG

Intro Music "Official Conspiracy and Chill Theme V1" | produced by "$awbuck" Mike
Underneath music bed - provided by - CRT Music - Reality (Grime Instrumental)
Outro music - provided by - Agents of Change (Robinhood x John Brown)

"$awbuck" Mike:

The Nephilim sightings are going to start soon.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Consciousness is being enslaved.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Your consciousness does not need your physical body to survive. It's the thing that's necessary. It has to be there. It's the coding that projects this world we currently live in. So I want you to read the bible.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

We got reptilians on just outside of our frequency zone.

Mike Turpin:

Six dimensional beings, the ancient builder race. Ideas are the highest form of intelligence, and that leads you to truth and clarity.

"$awbuck" Mike:

The Nephilim sightings are going to start soon. Consciousness, show this obvious to aliens, our god fiends and fatal huge were just born to planet.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

They would have needed a minimum of six feet of lead shielding in order to get through the 25,000 mile thick of NL and radiation belt.

"$awbuck" Mike:

This is real. They really did fake the moon landing.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

The world is infinitely older than that, and I mean the world with human beings in it Skull and bones, is like one of the villains in the Legion of Doom. I said I want you to read the bible. The biblical flood, the tartaria mud flood, conspiracy and chill.

"$awbuck" Mike:

The Nephilim sightings are going to start soon. The bull god ball.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I said I want you to read the bible. There's magnets in the basketballs. There was a political party. A third party called the Anti-Masonic Party at a point in the United States, the global pandemic treaty, conspiracy and chill podcast.

Mike Turpin:

We got Mike Turpin. He is a psychedelic adventure athlete, jujitsu practitioner, man of many talents. What's going on, brother? What's up?

"$awbuck" Mike:

I'm glad to be here.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, thank you for coming on, bro. I already know, due to your moniker, this psychedelic athlete that you're going to be down to get into some weird and trippy conversations with us.

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, dude, I'm down to talk about whatever you want.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Oh yeah, let's go. And I was going to say might as well give a little summary of why you are known as the psychedelic athlete.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah. So I guess the easiest way to do this would just be to say like when I turned 27, I had never done a drug in my life. I had never drank alcohol, I had never smoked pot, a cigarette outside of like caffeine, which at the time I didn't really it's not like I was even crazy on that. I had never done a drug. But I was always around stuff like that, like psychedelia, that sort of stuff.

"$awbuck" Mike:

My older brother, you know, did acid and ate mushrooms when I was younger and a lot of my friends I was always into like counterculture, music and movies and things that sort of made me think stuff like that was cool. But it wasn't until and I know this sounds really stereotypical, but I heard Graham Hancock on Joe Rogan, maybe when I was 24. And that got me thinking about DMT, ayahuasca, whatever. Because when I heard people talk about that I'm like, okay, I can understand what it's like to be on cocaine to a degree. I mean I couldn't. But you get the idea. I could even almost understand what people were saying when they talked about being on acid, stereotypically at least, what like a moderate dose would do. But I didn't when they started talking about like, okay, you meet these beings and they tell you about your life, and it's the same beings other people meet and it's been going on in Peru since I'm like wait a second what, like, how did I not know about this shit?

"$awbuck" Mike:

Like, how am I just now hearing about this? And nobody I knew at the time really knew about it, you know. And then I was like for like three or three and a half years or so I just kept telling myself, you know what? That's something I would try, that's something I would do. And then I started digging deeper. You get into the Terence McKenna as, you get into these people that start talking stuff like Alan Watts and all these other people, and I'm like, you know, I think this is something here. These people don't just sound like stereotypical potheds, they're onto something. A lot of them are successful people that are talking about this stuff, that seem to have their intellect about them. Okay, screw it, I want to do it.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And well, it started with I borrowed some pot from a girlfriend of mine at the time who didn't want me to make my first time with her because she didn't want to like it to be. You know, who knows what would happen? So I smoked some weed. I found some mushrooms. A buddy of mine at the gym had some mushrooms. So maybe a few months later I ate, you know, I say like a couple of grams of mushrooms, then like an eighth of mushrooms. And then, you know, I tried Astid one time, mdma one time. Finally I found somebody that could get DMT. It was like that's what I was in search for and I kind of saw everything as the same iceberg. All of these people that liked DMT also liked these other things, and I figured it was a nice little domino to flick. All right, I'll start with pot, I'll go down that avenue, and then I wound up with DMT Absolute. I mean, everything along the way blew my mind and obviously we can go backwards at any point and talk about other stuff, but that kind of like led me down that journey. And then, next thing, you know, I just I was sharing it with my friends along the way, and that's so many people who were interested in DMT and mushrooms. Then I'm sharing it with my friends. I know all these people now who've done it and before long I've seen about a hundred people probably, probably more, do DMT for the for their first time, you know, and I've shared the experience with them. And then it just kept going on and there was about a year where I just was, because it only lasts for those who don't know. It only lasts about five to 15 minutes depending on the dose, and you could put pizza in the oven, quite literally, have done it, and then do some DMT. You go out and you have this crazy experience and you come out and you pull the pizza out of the oven. And I'm not promoting doing that, I'm just saying that's what I did.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And it became this thing where every time I would partake, I would sort of eventually build a relationship where I was practicing, thinking about, meditating on certain things that I wanted to progress specifically, like I'm a strength and conditioning coach and I've been a personal trainer since I was 19. And then I start thinking about lifting differently, I start thinking about the way the body moves differently. I started, you know, practicing yoga with DMT alongside me. Now, obviously not every time you're getting blasted into another dimension. Sometimes you just have the tiniest bit just to sort of dip your mind in or your body in, and then boom, you're exploring things you've never explored, thinking things you never would have thought. And I started having this marriage between my personal relationship with whether you want to call it psychedelia or predominantly DMT, and sort of the synergy with anything I wanted to synergize it with is what it became.

"$awbuck" Mike:

What I wanted to think about, what I wanted to practice. I would play music, smoke a little DMT, boom, think about it differently, feel it differently, etc. And then one night it just came to me. I was like you know, why don't you just make your Instagram? Why don't you just make this thing the psychedelic athlete? And I mean at the time I'm like that sounds so corny, just to say that. But it's like you know, don't be, don't be left of center about it, be on the nose. That's what it is, that's what this page is going to be. And it started off as me, for the first time in my life, publicly talking about anything. Initially it was more psychedelic related, but as the jujitsu grew and the jujitsu community and all that sort of thing through it, I would, I kind of made it this jujitsu slash, psychedelic hub, strength and conditioning, all that kind of thing. And that was about a few years ago, I guess I made that. So that kind of. That's the whole little background there.

Mike Turpin:

Preface to the question, I guess. So I'm a former heroin addict. I've, you know, I've smoked it, I've shot it primarily, I've snorted it, cocaine, crack both done the same. Mushrooms acid, however, never done DMT. Can you explain to me the difference between like DMT and mushrooms and acid like besides the beings? Can you explain to me what the difference is?

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yes. Well, for me it's really just anything is possible and I don't know if that's the type of person I am. But, for instance, what DMT can be, that I imagine mushrooms can be, that I haven't experienced on mushrooms. But, like, some people might eat mushrooms and say that they do, for instance, travel into another dimension, experience what they want to define as ego death, etc. But it's, you probably haven't experienced that level of a month, maybe ego death, or you're some sort of like letting go, but like you probably haven't encountered any sort of thing that seems real. That's like an entity, another being, maybe not traveled into what feels like another place. Maybe you know past ancestors, travel deep inside your body where you're like almost seeing, like the makeup of what your body is on a visual and physical level in a bizarre way. All of these things are very possible on DMT, but like, but, like mushrooms, it really depends on what your experience with them is. If it just kind of makes things look more patterny, if it sort of opens your mind, it makes you be more introspective, if it makes you be more considerate of others, like that's a much smaller scale or softer thing than what DMT would be If you went full bore on DMT. Nothing, nothing, not your concept of family, not your concept of who you are, who your friends are, your concept of time. All of these constructs can cease to be. If that's just the nature of that trip, it can very well happen. And then from there it might feel like you're a part of what you would probably define as one with everything, one with the universe, or it might be like your face to face with the being, and then it could take you into another land, or it could show you all these weird shapes and want you to look at them and try to understand shit you don't understand. It could show you hieroglyphic looking symbols and you're like I don't know what the fuck that is, but it wants you to pay attention to it and it sort of insists that you will eventually understand it. And there's like initially maybe like a telepathic sort of communication where, like you sort of to have these thoughts that you think are, or it's like putting thoughts in your mind while you're thinking and it's sort of bouncing off of your thoughts, and that's very possible. So there's, there's so many possibilities, but but but to put it into perspective, I've seen people who've done, who've told me oh, dude, I used to do 13 tabs of acid.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I went through a sheet of acid in a week. I used to eat handfuls of mushrooms, blood, you know k-holes, this and that. And then they did DMT and whether it was their first, second or third time when they really committed to it and went hard, they were like nothing in my entire life, compared or prepared me for that moment. That's what they came away saying, multiple people I could say probably 10 to 12 people that were extremely experienced in psychedelics, hard drugs, etc. After a few cracks at it were like nothing.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I mean, it's not even like a 1% of what that was. So that doesn't necessarily define it literally, because I'm not one like, for instance, you know, some people like to say DMT is machine elves, dmt is clowns, dmt is one with the universe, it's your other form of self. I don't know what the fuck it is. I think it can be all of those things and it can be more, and I only know what I've experienced and what others have told me. But I don't think it's as simple as to define as merely the entities, merely what people want to say hyperspace, ego, death, all of those things. That's like one little sliver in the pie chart of possibility. You know what I mean.

Mike Turpin:

That was a tremendous explanation, brother. That was really really good. I've always been fascinated by the beings, as you said. Graham Hancock, joe Rogan, that whole crew and everybody talks about the beings. I've never done DMT. I am so eager to do the beings talk to you. Do they give you ideas? How do they communicate?

"$awbuck" Mike:

All right. So I guess, just to put it, there are a lot of different types of beings man but initially, when I first started doing DMT, I would see things that so what I would describe reminded me of almost Hindu and Buddhist looking deities. The first thing I ever saw was this elephant man that was in a suit and he was dancing and he had a dog on a leash like a little pet that looked like a little pet dog, a tiny dog or whatever it was, and it was dancing and it was just the coolest, grooviest looking dude. Like it had some swagger in it, almost like a pimp swagger, and we were in this crazy fucking place that was red and blue and everything was pretty psychedelic. But that was his world and I was there and I looked at him and he looked at me and he just was like yep, this is it, bro. And I'm like what the fuck? And it's like, yeah, this is it. And it kind of smiled and went now, at the time I didn't necessarily hear it say that, but it could give me a look and I knew exactly what it meant. And then, like that was just one example.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And then, yeah, the beings were kind of like that you'd meet some new being or something that would like. It would be like I was in their room or they would sort of like come at my face, like head on, and then the entry of the trip, the come up of the trip, was this being coming at me. Now this goes back a way. See, I don't experience it like that really anymore. Now I can't remember the last time, but eventually I started really feeling like I met something that I aligned with and I no longer was having meet and greets with these other fucking beings. Whatever sense to make of that, I have no clue. I'm just telling you that's what it was like when I would meet beings Now, it wasn't every single time I did it.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I used to see like hands, a lot, like like finger, like postures, like like fingers making shapes, and then like sort of like I don't even know what in my face pulsating at me and maybe like that would just be. All I would see was like these weird hands, and then it would. Then, next thing, you know you're in some weird landscape with colors and the music becomes reality and sounds and you have thoughts that just line up with the exact moment Weird shit. But as far as the beings in communication, yes, I'll cut to the chase. It started being more like telepathic, where I could have back and forth conversations and it would ask me questions and I would feel it. I would not see lips moving, I wouldn't always be with something that was like directly in front of me, but it could be, you know. But. But either way I would have communication that felt like telepathic things.

Mike Turpin:

Are your eyes closed Like are you in a dream state? Are you awake? Are your eyes closed Like how is the trip? I guess.

"$awbuck" Mike:

If they're open, usually my eyes are probably sort of crossed and I'm looking at something that is like not even like out in front of me. Okay, you know, people have said like your eyes look like they're going crossed. If I, if my eyes are open Now but yeah, a lot I used to my eyes would probably close and I would just lay back and I would shut my eyes and then a lot of times, if you open them, the trip would go away and you'd look at your room and then you close them again and you're still there when your eyes are closed.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

That's one way that it could happen. Yeah, that happens a lot. My experience for sure. I have done it a couple of times. I so I've always, you know, smoked mad bud for years and my friend groups and I, yeah, we would take mushrooms, take acid, go camp and trip and have fun. And you know you'll have those, like you said, kind of like ego death or like sometimes like freak out moments. Or you know you'll see some tracers what you expect from psychedelic. You know some distortion of vision and stuff, but nothing like you know what movies are like. Dare, dare class would make you think like a psychedelic experience was like like holy shit, I see a dragon and all these kaleidoscopes and stuff.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But my experience with DMT, yeah, I probably. I probably tried it like eight or 10 times, and not every time was I able to like get through to that other world. Sometimes it would just be like a really brief thing, with my eyes closed, and then, yeah, like he said, like Mike said, when you open your eyes it's gone, and then you can kind of close your eyes and go back into a dream. Remember those little things? We would like look into his kids and you could like click and it's a picture. You click it again, there's another picture like these little, like binocular things. It was a lot like that.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But to prefix my first time doing it, it's actually a pretty crazy and synchronistic story. I was being a bit of a pussy about it at first. All my friends were kind of getting into it and they were just going hard on it and like a friend had vape cartridges of it. So they were just experimenting belligerently and I'd like be hanging out while they'd be doing it and it looked like a damn opium den or something, just like a bunch of dudes laying there like all right, my turn, and then they'd lay back, and then they'd be like giggling or like whoa, and then they'd wake up and be like dude.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I just saw these like flower people. I saw these these gestures and holy shit.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

It was like, and I was just, it took me a while to work up the courage and at the time I just torn my bicep tendon and I didn't have insurance at the time and I was just feeling really depressed and sorry for myself. I was being a bitch and I was like, oh no, dude, I was trying to go back to MMA. Like what if I'm never the same again? Like what if I'm not strong again? What if I can? Never, you know, I will never be the same like martial artist.

Mike Turpin:

You're already a vegan. How much more worse can it get?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But I was. I was really, you know, beating myself up about that in a pretty depressed and dark place. It was still fresh. You know, I was in pain as well and I was like, dude, I don't want to, I don't want to try this shit, guys. I mean, like you know, I'm in a fucking morbid state of mind and the justification that got me to do it is pretty hilarious. My one friend is like well, if you're depressed, then that means like you're kind of like Shelley boy and you kind of want to bang, bang, boom, and DMT is released when you die and it's like the spirit realm. So, like worst case scenario, you want to die. Like if you do DMT, it's kind of like dying and for some reason that clicked with me like you know what you're right, okay, fuck it, I'll do it.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

And when I did it again at first it wasn't really working. So like I ripped the pen a couple more times until I felt like it was. And, yeah, I laid back dude, and I saw what I could really only describe as like a Viking God or like ancestor, like type of thing. Like it was like a glowing fucking. It looked very cartoonish, like animated, but it was. It seemed like real and dream like at the same time, like a Viking-ish type of figure standing on a like the edge of a ship, like all proud and proper, and I got like an immediate download. There was no words, there was no whatever. It was just like a download of a feeling, just immediately like relax, your time will come. Like calm down, dude, you just hurt like, literally like, and it was an instant relief from that feeling.

Mike Turpin:

That's exactly what Mike said.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, flip the switch, just complete download. Like dude, relax, you're fine, you're just hurt. Like your time will come and it felt like so powerful, like I remember I woke up like beating my chest like yeah, dude, that was sick, let's go.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

And then a few times that I tried to do it I didn't really get much other than, yeah, you know, like some kaleidoscopes I saw like some orbs that was full of like eyeballs. The only other time that really stood out to me was I saw these little like flame sprite figures. They were like little like flame guys like dancing around. They had like a big, wide, cartoony grin and they were like forming shapes and like spiraling around each other and I just started laughing uncontrollably like all. I had my eyes closed. I thought those little guys were funny.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But the after that first, that first trip with the Viking thing, like within, kind of like reconciling how I felt about my injury, the next day I was doing like a training camp for a bunch of my students and I was in the class, you know, teaching them or whatever. And then at the end they gave me a mace like you know the maces you swing around like and I was very into that. They give me this mace that they had pulled together and bought for me and the mace, the head of it is these like God heads. That was designed by Alex Gray, who is like the psychedelic DMT artist. So they basically bought me just out of crazy coincidence. The next morning, after I first tried DMT, they gave me this Godhead like DMT fucking mace, and I was like holy shit, this is amazing. So that was a crazy encounter and that's what stands out to me.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I know exactly what you mean. And then did you not feel like a sense of almost like dogmatic, like this thing that they gave me might represent healing, my like, did you start having this inner?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, yeah, it felt like.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I had to be like they pulled that thing out somehow from the spirit realm and knew that they were supposed to give that to me. And what were the odds that it was designed by Alex Gray, who literally draws all of the like stereotypical DMT, like arts, like that face that he is like prominent. It's like his main illustration, if you will. That's the face. There's like four of them on the head of the mace and it's just fucking badass. And I joked with my limited experience with it.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Some of my friends have done it like hundreds of times. One of my friends, john, went absolutely nuts because he was ripping the pen like a vape pen, just like all day going into DMT realm or just being in that days where he wasn't fully out. But he was just trippy and I joked like yeah, this, this is half like extremely profound, like spiritual experience, and half like hot rags store in the mall, just like generic psychedelic, like patterns and kaleidoscopes and geometry and stuff, like exactly what you would expect. Like I said, like oh, dear class, you take a psychedelic, you're gonna you're just gonna start seeing colors and all this crazy shit, I can relate.

"$awbuck" Mike:

So I can relate fully about the idea of like, okay, you have this injury, this thing happens and this is how, like the marriage between DMT and how I sort of synergized it with other stuff is like, yes, similar to you, I have injuries, you know, like a back injury that was killing me and things like that. And there would be these moments, these aha moments, where I would either like, via a weird stretch yoga posture or like some lift that I had, somebody had told me maybe I should try this. And there would be this moment where it would come to me in my trip, like listen to this or try this, or some memory I had over the past week of like watching videos on my back, like one would sort of pop up. And then it would be this thing like almost like a pad on the butt, like go do this, go try this. And I did have this relationship with DMT where I was sort of searching for the answer, answers in my own practice, in my own grappling, etc. And I would put in all of this work and then sort of filter it through thinking about it or just opening my mind to it while on DMT and it is a little bit of a double edge sword, because there's a silver lining to like part of it. I don't know the best way to word it, but either way, what I mean is you think you figure it out and you're like, oh my God, I'm going to be able to do X, y and Z, but it's not like an instant, immediate fix, but it's clearly the next step along on your journey.

"$awbuck" Mike:

If that makes sense and that's where it kind of took me I would have these big, tremendous feelings like, oh my God, my back is going to feel like brand new if I keep doing this, or if I keep doing this in Jujitsu, then this is going to take me to this level or whatever, which, honestly, in the grandest scheme, who really cares how good you are at Jujitsu? But these are just the things that would come to me and it would help me, these ideas that would help me. But but they were small building blocks. It's not like there was a moment where you know, for instance, if the example was this mace, there would be moments like that that I would experience and they would just take me a little bit further in the right direction, if that makes sense, where maybe I was hoping it would totally fix me and heal me and I'm going to use this mace and I'm good you know. But you get that extreme dogmatic belief in it and then that does yield greater return out of it, like, just like any sort of placebo effect, would you know. So it's weird how it works.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Do you build a tolerance? So I don't know if you necessarily build a tolerance. Some people might say that you do. But you go on a journey, like, like if you've done enough psychedelics or really you've done enough some other drugs, you might be able to relate to this your 10th trip is not your first trip and eventually, by your 50th trip, you realize you're never going to get your first trip again, you're never going to get your second trip again. You're on a journey, it's not. You're not going to the same place, back to the beginning. You've already been there before and there's new stuff for you to see, there's new stuff for you to experience and you can't go back to that moment, that exact way.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And DMP became something very different for me. There were times that I couldn't see the visuals I would usually see, and then I like, kind of, like it would, I would see a little bit of it and it's like you don't really. If something would sort of like come to my mind, like why do you want to see this? Why do you want to see this same pattern again? What does it matter? Like, don't you want more profound things than just a cool looking shape? That's rudimentary bullshit. That that's elementary. You're beyond that. Why do you care about seeing the most extraordinary patterns and shapes and this and need to see all of this, like you're sitting with whatever this thing is that you back in, or this genie lamp that you rub, and isn't it enough to just be here and feel it and sense it? And that doesn't mean it wasn't visual, but I mean it's. It's hard to put the words.

"$awbuck" Mike:

What eventually happens with the shit? What I? When I do it now it's not like when I did it back then and I don't do it like I used to. I used to be able to do it any night of the week, just spend 1520, 30 minutes doing it, maybe an hour, and that was that. Now, if I were to do that, it might be a little bit more uncomfortable for me, a little more intense, like, like the feeling of it is far more intense than it used to be. So in ways might know it's, my tolerance hasn't gone up. Now I feel it more like like a way to describe it would be have you ever laughed so fucking hard that you're almost like Jesus? I need to stop laughing, man, this is a little intense, right? Have you ever had an orgasm where you're like God dang. That was intense. I need to like, chill out. I feel like I'm going to die. Not quite, but imagine that times a million and it keeps spiraling.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Just when you think you can't feel something so extraordinary anymore, you feel it 10 times that, exponentially more of that. And sometimes I get that on DMT where I'm like okay, okay, I'm good, I'm done. I'm done Because I feel something. The feeling I get inside of me. It's like a panic attack, but I wouldn't put my finger on it that it's panic. It's just so extraordinary and overwhelming for me in the moment and it's spiraling out of control that I just sort of like it's a lot to deal with.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And if I was to do it by myself, I think I would feel it like that nowadays, if that makes sense. And you know, it's not that dissimilar to when somebody finally has that psychotic break on acid and they're like I really lost my mind there on that one and I've really lost my mind there on DMT for sure. That's the thing. It's much easier to lose your mind on DMT, because once you're back, I mean, give it a few minutes at least for me.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I don't know what other people's unravelings are like, but when I unravel on it the second, I'm back to me. I'm like, okay, that was a close call. That was pretty weird there for a minute, but I'm me again and I feel like me again. You know. So that that is, that is one of the benefits for sure. That, yeah, it's about, maybe during that duration five minutes of it, three minutes of it, really probably two minutes of it feels like that and then you kind of come out on the other side of it, maybe even enjoying the rest and the come down of the experience or the, the, the other end of the experience, and you feel good when it's over, if that makes sense.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

For sure. I definitely like you embracing it and integrating it into you know, being an athlete and more specifically a martial artist and I'm sure anyone listening has heard me go on like a broken record saying how martial arts lends itself to being more open minded and having a relationship with your ego, whether it's you getting all fucking pumped up like I'll tap that motherfucker out, I tap all these dudes out, I'm the fucking shit. And then, man, I've been grappling for 20 years and I just got my ass whooped like I ain't shit, you know. So you get. You get both ends of the ego, and I mean obviously a lot of people, and you even credited Joe Rogan yourself to making you interested in the first place, and he talks a lot of martial arts and jiu-jitsu. He's influenced a lot of people to do that, influenced a lot of people to, you know. Try DMT or smoking weed and many grapplers probably like weed. And I myself I used to be a very like stiff wrestler when I was younger, like I was not bad, I was pretty decent, but I was very like robotic and I felt like I was super clunky and just like weightlifter coordinated and not necessarily like grappling functional movement, you know. And then, as I graduated high school and started smoking a lot of weed and doing a lot more jiu-jitsu and kind of like embracing that flow, I will say 100% that it changed me and like training and rolling around high and learning to like take the path to least resistance and stuff, it undoubtedly made me so much better and just Uh like, for example, two, once I went on a micro dose of mushrooms, I went to go roll and train and that day I just I got on the mat and I could walk on my hands. I was never able to do that before. I could just do like a brief, like one or two second handstand, but ever since that day I've been able to walk on my hands. I just tried it and boom, it unlocked it for me.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

As a coach too, I had a couple of students and they were like close students, the clients. They weren't just you know Someone I randomly taught they were. I considered them like close friends and brothers, but for the longest time, like I wouldn't really tell my students that I smoked weed, like it was pretty obvious, just being like a Stoner type of guy, so they couldn't figure it out on their own, that was on them. But once they knew, too, I was conflicted about like because neither one of them had tried it before and they were both like in their 20s and Shit, they'd never tried weed before and they were like kind of curious.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Well, just as their Teacher, like I was conflicted about being like, yeah, you should smoke weed, it'll make you better, like that just sounded like a degenerate thing to offer, but I knew in my head like I really do think it would help them and I let them eventually come to me. Like you know, I want to try it, like let's smoke weed or something. And Once we did, and like we trained and we rolled around, like I saw the fucking, the switch flip and they were totally different and they were like credit it to that and they'd like want to train high all the time. They'd be like, do you, can we smoke? And like roll around, you want to smoke. And like hit pads. And it definitely is, you know, related to the quote-unquote warrior lifestyle, whether it's just weed or psychedelics or anything to do with Altering your perspective in your mind.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah, 100%, and I know exactly what you mean. Like I, I used to be much more. I have a powerlifting background, that kind of stuff and I used to just oh, people would always tell me you're using your strength, you're using your strength and I'd be like, screw you, dude, that's just because I'm strong, you know. And then what weed really taught me was how to be so much more just fluid, that that kind of that stereotypical Hicks and Gracie connectivity. You know, you, you connect to somebody and you become the connection and is as slow and as soft and as tender and as graceful as the moment can be it can be. You're not forcing it to be anything else. You're connecting to an opponent and if they want to be more soft and more fluid than you, then you're going to Become soft and fluid by means of that connection to this other person. Just like if you grapple a 10 year old, you're going to know, by feeling them, how much they can handle of you, because you can feel the energy they're putting off, you can feel the stress that you're putting on their body, the tension that you're creating and, uh, that, just the feelings of things. I mean I don't know what would have happened without Weed, because for like five years of my life I was just completely stoned 100% of the time.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And I'm not promoting any of that. I'm not promoting saying any of that's a good idea. I'm an extreme person. I could get addicted to something that somebody would say is not addicted in the least and I can just, repeted, repeatedly, do things that I think are good and positive Over and over until I realize maybe this isn't so positive. And then I'm like maybe I need to back off. And that's a process I went through with weed, with habitual DMT use, other things, and they come with their positives and their negatives, but, yes, the positives of all of it.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Just just like you said, you're thinking about things like you know you're, you're realizing all of the moments of space between when your opponent is aware and then there's like he's missing frames and you're like getting more frames per second or more frames per inch than he is, and you have these like little things you start being aware of that are beyond the awareness of your opponent, because your constructive time and your senses, you're far more caught up in the present moment than they are and, uh, all of these little psychological and physical things can lead to a really bizarre, um, surreal Game that you can play with a martial art, with jujitsu, with, with uh, boxing, kickboxing and things like that. Like I could literally tell you to go out there and all I want you to do Is pay attention to the connection of your opponent and you want to just feel that connection. Everything else feels like nothing. You want to move with around in relationship with your opponent, and only when there's the opportunity do you do anything other than track movement with your opponent. Now You'd have to. Everyone's concept of that's going to be different and they're not going to be able to do it exactly the same.

"$awbuck" Mike:

But that just presented a game that you can very well play and experiment with. It's the first flick of a domino. Now, where will you be 10 years from now if you start playing that game? You know and, and that's the sort of things that rolling stone makes you think about. It's the sort of things that I would have never thought about, I would have never been able to experience, and I get to experience them sober now. I get to, I get to think about them sober now and I get to know that there is something like that and there's something magical that you can tap into with just merely paying attention to something like the energy and essence of your opponent and uh, and what kind of like.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Just go out for a whole day, be as graceful as you can, whatever that means to you. Great Well, who wouldn't want to embody grace? Okay, fuck all the jiu-jitsu. You know, whatever you know, you know, and if it comes out to your advantage, it does, and if it doesn't, you get your ass kicked. You're just going to be graceful from the beginning of the moment all the way till the end of the round, and when you're not, you just tap, you know, or not tap, because you're not being graceful. But the point is you're trying to be as graceful as possible, even up until the tap, even in bad positions, all of these little things, I mean you.

Mike Turpin:

I would have never thought of that shit.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I'm not saying it makes me the best grappler or even distinctly a better grappler, but I never run out of fucking things to experiment with. I could roll for 10,000 hours and I'm only going to come up with further things to develop, just like, like playing an instrument, you, you, you explore different feelings, different. You know what they call like your, your timbre, your overall quality, your overall. What does that even mean? Well, I don't know. Musicians spend 20 years developing one thing or one Personality and and it becomes an art, and it becomes them and and discovering yourself the same way in a grappling thing. I'm not saying it's going to make you an ADCC champion, but it's going to make you, you. It's going to unlock the artist in yourself when you start exploring your own tones and your own styles.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And what does that even mean? To be graceful, to be dominant, to be fierce, to be soft. And then, on set, and and, just like crescendos and music, you don't just all the sudden ramp it up. How are you going to ramp it up? Are you going to be surprising and out of nowhere, or are you going to slowly do it? Are you going to be like the mood? How do you soften it Politically, artistically. These are things you can explore in that time where we're doing this sport, especially if it's not just about winning or losing, you know.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Hell, yeah, all of that, everything you said, I I vibe with that. And uh, before we get into some weirder stuff around this time of the show, I kind of want to ask, uh, since it seems like you and I have pretty similar outlook on grappling, I never really and even still now had a True academy or coach or anything. I pretty much had been left to my own devices and I always had like loyal training partners and like the groups that I could go train with and we bounce ideas of each other and definitely have learned from like some really skilled, like mentor training partners. But I literally was left to, you know, develop my own style on my own and I technically am a brown belt, but like I don't put a whole lot of weight into Two ranks and stuff. But I never had a true academy or like a system that I bought into.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

So, yeah, it pretty much was just me figuring out things on my own, studying all the arts, experimenting, lots of mat time. So I wanted to ask did you have the same type of thing for a while? Like it sounds like you probably were left with your own devices at certain points and like you just had some Mat time. You had a partner and you just did your thing. Is that accurate?

"$awbuck" Mike:

So that's definitely what I do to an extent. I bounce around academies. I compete under Baltimore. Bjj is the school that I would say that's the gym, if you know you put at school. That's the gym I'm putting Um, and that's where I feel uh sort of home based Right now, for sure, and vibe with the energy, vibe with everything.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I do have coaches that, uh, since the beginning of when I was at a gym, my coach was there too and we all left. That's a whole another story. But my coach, kevin Bachman, he's also like if you were to say, when I'm developing, these sorts of things are going down these sorts of paths, my, maybe another coach would have said, ah, mike, he's stubborn, he's just going to do things his way, let him go. Kevin has always really encouraged the way I am. He's always really loved my creativity and then I always have respected him and wanted to listen to any piece of advice he's had.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And similarly, I have a coach, mike Ackin, who just cornered me in my last match. He's, he's about to turn 70 and he's like the baddest dude. I know well the respect I have for him. Anything he tells me, I'm going to do my damn this to make him proud. But not everybody. Not everybody. Do I really give a shit If I make them proud or not? And I really don't give a shit about them. And I don't care if they're a black belt, I don't care if they're better than me, I don't care if everybody in the gym calls them coach. I don't call them coach if I don't want to call them coach.

"$awbuck" Mike:

They're not my coach if they're not, I mean they are and that's not the disrespect previous coaches I had, great the owner of the gym I was at, I had a ton of respect for him. I wouldn't say that we aligned quite the same as I have with Kevin, I have with my other coach, mike. But but you know you, you learn to like. I want to make people that I love proud. I want to be their guy, and so I found people that have mentored me in that, in that approach. But it's not the traditional School. This is the coach, this is the sensei blah, blah, blah. I have a lot of people that I've learned from and that I've admired and I want to be more like and I want to be. I recognize something in them. I want to be Positional, like that guy is and I recognize I want to be tough, like that guy is. I want to learn this move, like I see Todd Margolis doing the Margolis shrimp. I want to do that. Whatever that guy is doing, I want to freaking do it and I'm gonna. I'm gonna make sure that he thinks I'm doing it up to fucking standard. But just some random guy. If I don't respect their logic, if I don't respect the Considerations they put in as a coach, their passion. I really don't give a shit if I don't like them as a person, if I don't like their energy. I don't want to be aligned with them. So that's sort of been my journey. Um, and I do.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I run a class that's my own class, at a gym that's like adjacent to two other schools. Yeah, I'm on Baltimore B J J At Baltimore kettlebell club, so it's like adjacent. And then I I see my one coach, mike Ackin, and a guy I train at his house. So we train in a basement once a week, so I, and then every sunday I'm at a gym called Bel Air B J J, so I'm like it. Four or five different schools throughout the month, probably 10 different schools. There's a gym in york, pennsylvania, I try to go to every month and yeah, so that kind of sums that up. Oh, something you'll know.

"$awbuck" Mike:

So when I first started, we had a catch wrestling. We were a snake pit affiliate. There was a guy at my gym, jason brown, who I guess was like affiliated through snake pit. It's Joel Bain and it was another guy, something, cause the old grappling. Whatever that guy's name is. I think he moved out to Texas, I don't know. I didn't know him but I only knew Joel and I took a liking to a lot of the catch wrestling and that set me down meeting other people. I'm really close with Sean Docherty. He has a lot of kind of alternative stuff and you know I got real big into sort of the catch wrestling thing and never wanted to totally identify it.

"$awbuck" Mike:

But if people at the gym were to describe my style a lot of them would say I'm sort of a funky catch wrestling. They just all call it catch wrestling just because it's different than what they're doing. I wouldn't say it's necessarily catch wrestling. Some of it is. I guess some of the concepts through the rule set of Jiu Jitsu is, I guess, catch. So that's a long winded but that sort of gives you the idea of where I am as a practitioner and with coaches and self-learning. Oh, concepts too, rob Bernacchi at BJJ Concepts, when I started hearing people just say we're not going to drill moves, we're going to understand the concepts and play with concepts that must afflict a million fucking dominoes that are still falling down in a hundred million different directions at this point.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

So oh yeah, and you know damn well it's a never ending journey and the way you talk clearly expresses that. And yep, I can relate as a, a ronin and just like I've always just called it grappling what we do is grappling. I'm not a you know wrestler or Jiu Jitsu guy. I've definitely gotten into the catch more, and part of that is me just, I guess, being a hipster in a way and rebelling against the Jiu Jitsu community and being like fuck that. I'm more of a catch wrestler because I have wrestled my whole life and I do like that type of shit and the history behind it and stuff. It's all really cool. But Jiu Jitsu could have its own whole episode, obviously, and we'll definitely be chatting more in the future. But right around now is when me and Mike like to get a little weird and outside of the DMT realm and you know the other world, if you will any unexplainable crazy stories, ghosts, ufos, cryptids you got any fucking wild stories.

"$awbuck" Mike:

You know, man, no, I will tell you something that's fucking weird. That is really not that weird in the grand scheme, but I start noticing things and once you're willing to take a look, you realize that reality sort of shifts and you're able to see it tenfold. And life will wink at you sometimes and place enough coincidences back to back to back that you have no choice but to believe it is greater than mere coincidence. I'm a fucking numbers guy dude. I crunch statistics. I couldn't get a fucking question wrong and math growing up unless I literally didn't know how to solve. I am always crunching numbers, okay, and I see three numbers in a row, the same number on license plates, maybe 20 times a day, and I drive a lot. But it's really bizarre how often I see three to four numbers in a row of the same thing. And that's just one little example, the numbers thing, but it is like it kind of is this greater thing, like once I started seeing it. Here's a funny little example, and this is not like crazy clowns are taking over the world, shit, but this just is really weird. Man, I was seeing the number 777 every day to start my day. Within like the first couple minutes there'd be a car. I just realized the car in front of me would have license plates 777 on. Okay, so I, I I'm driving, I see 777 ahead of me. I'm like motherfucker, what are the chances? And I look to the left and I see 777 and I say God, this is the craziest coincidence. And all I said is there's no way this can be freaking like real. This is just a coincidence. And right when I said that a car cut me off to get in between me and the car in front of me and there was 7777, and I'm like, okay, I'm not questioning it, it is what it is. I don't have a fucking clue what it means, but clearly something is going on here and life is taking a moment just to wink at me. That's how I would describe that. Another supernatural thing that this relates to DMT. It'd be stupid not to relate some of it to DMT. I did have a moment. This is really bizarre and it's so like, like microscopic in in comparison to how extreme, extraordinary DMT is.

"$awbuck" Mike:

One time during a come up, I had a moment where I saw my girlfriend at the time at work, texting her friend Carrie. What doesn't? I guess it doesn't matter if I say the names, but she was her and her friend, carrie. We're having this conversation about Carrie's boyfriend at the time, all right, and I just could sense that, whatever they were texting it was, she was complaining about her boyfriend, but she didn't tell them what she was complaining about and I saw this little blip and boom, I was gone. Then I was having a DMT trip and had nothing to do with that, but that was a moment that I saw Okay. So I texted my girlfriend at the time at work and I said you're not going to believe this, but I had a moment where I saw you. Like you know, I had this experience where I saw you texting your friend about her boyfriend and she was saying that he didn't understand this and, sure as shit. The exact conversation that I saw on that come up happened, you know she was like no, you're not.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

And she's shown me the messages.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And yeah, and it was exactly what I thought, Like she was complaining but she hadn't talked to her boyfriend yet. And then my girlfriend was like well, you need to talk to him. Like stupid shit, dude, stupid shit. But it fucking happened and for the rest of my life I know that. Okay, and I mean, as far as like the other shit goes, dude, here I'll tell you maybe it's better to be a little skeptic. You know what my problem with? A lot of the theories and a lot of the extreme, like very hyper specific.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I think there's a lot of possibility to a lot of the things people say, but I think it's such a small sliver of the puzzle.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Reality is so fucking odd that it wouldn't surprise me if reality changes every day and we didn't even know it fucking changed, and we could wake up one day and shit is just some other way and we didn't even know about it. Like our consciousness, something can tap into it and this is really hard to place my finger on or explain in a way that makes any sense at all. But I really think that we could jump into other realities, whether it's what tomorrow could be different and the laws of tomorrow could be different, and we would have no idea that it actually changed. I guess that's like some Mandela effect type shit right, but I think it could be a lot bigger than that. So if what I would say is, if Mandela effect is real, that's probably a small piece to something way fucking more extraordinary than that. And we don't even understand just how much our reality is changing. And somebody could very well be tapped into our reality and these are, I don't know. I don't even want to ramble on about that. Does that make any sense at all?

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, the way that I like to explain it dimensions and realities is think of, like every dimension in reality, like a blanket. You lay one blanket on top of another, blanket on top of another blanket, and sometimes the blankets kind of cross and you bleed over into one or the other and it's kind of like what you were saying exactly.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And here's the thing, and it'd be stupid to say that this isn't somewhat inspired by things I've experienced on DMT. But we're not just this fucking reality, dude, I'm not just me, I'm you, I'm him, I'm the other realities, I'm the other blankets, I'm all of it. I'm just this, I'm just that and I'm both. That's what I really think, and I don't know if I define it as, at the grand scheme, it's all God and I'm an extension of God. But whatever it is, there is something that is all of it and I am all of it in some sense, but I can't really right now I don't have a fucking clue. I just know this. But sometimes maybe you do know something more and then you forget it. And it's me right now. I'm only supposed to know this and I get little glimpses of it. And if I get too big of a glimpse, I'm probably going to fucking forget that I ever got the full glimpse, because if it gets too without my understanding of who I am right now, then it ain't going to work and it probably goes left of center and I'm becoming something else separate.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I think I am multiple things at the same time right now, and I'm just only know of this one, this is the only one that I can talk to you from, and it's like if there is something that is all of us like a God, like a collective something, or at least something that is a good bit of us, well, you know, it kind of tricks itself into not knowing that's how it is, or else it'd be stupid and pointless, into having a bunch of other little miniature gods to play with, little miniature versions of itself to experience with.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And I think about that kind of shit a lot and I've experienced some stuff kind of like like you see, these other layers that you not just that you could be, but you actually are, and you don't even fucking know it Other versions of yourself, how you are reflections of other people and how you exist within other people and everything exists within you, and it just sounds like just little shit you would put on a little square block on a yoga Instagram. But I but I believe it deeply to some extent. You know, if I believe anything, I believe that, as far as bizarre netherworldly shit is, just how insane consciousness is and the collective of all of it and the concept of there being a God, of there being a one, which you draw back far enough and you feel like you're God, you're going to wonder who the fuck you are, and if there's something that created you, and if there's more of you out there, you know no wonder why you would just want to become a million different fucking things. So you don't feel so alone, you know.

Mike Turpin:

I think about that.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

You're not. You see, you got a response.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Well, you wanted the rails to come off at the end.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

So, yeah.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I know myself and definitely Mike and definitely some of the listeners out there are, to say the least, highly skeptical of authority or our leaders and elites and people in position of power. So obviously, you know, with what you just said and your experiences with the other world, slash, spirit world and shit, do you, would you say you align with the idea that some of the higher ups of this world are onto some fucking dark magic shit in contact with some other worldly entities? You know, some non human forces are clearly operating in our world, if you ask me.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I think that that makes a lot of.

"$awbuck" Mike:

It makes a lot of sense that if I'm able to experience what I'm able to experience through DMT and use it the way I've used it, why wouldn't other people use that or something like it, some sort of? And then why wouldn't they try to design like, for instance, there's designer steroids that work better than you know testosterone, why aren't? Why wouldn't it be hard for me to imagine that there's designer drugs or chemicals that totally infinitely blow DMT out of the water? As far as like potential in some regard, no disrespect to DMT, but I could imagine that they're using something. I mean, I hear, I pay attention to the kind of shit that people talk about and you know you take this fucking drug and then next thing you know you're able to communicate and like be portaled with people from all the way across the globe, and then maybe next thing you know you're have some weird alien being in the room to. I hear that kind of shit, man, and whether that's literally what it is, I'm sure there's something out there like it.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

You might have to put the Mario noise bleep over this for you to Mike, but what you're describing, I think, is what a lot of people would theorize. That's what is like where they get, you know, the highly adrenaline filled blood of a kid that they, you know, torture to death and like scare the fuck out of, and then they take their glands that are filled with adrenaline or their blood and they use that and they say that that is the drug of choice of these sick fuck elites to get like an insane psychedelic or spiritual experience. And I even was just hearing today that someone was guessing that that's what like cattle mutilations and like shit. Like that is actually, instead of maybe being like a alien abduction or some shit, that it's like a poor man's version of getting that from instead of from a person, that they just get it from the animal Like take the glands, take the blood like torture or scare it and try to harness that.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Well, you know, I think it's a lot like the game of telephone, where maybe that's not exactly what it is and it sucks that maybe what we, the thing, the things we can hold on to, it's like but it, but it. But where there's smoke, there's fire and there's an awful lot of smoke around things like that, and there we very well could have the exact information, exactly the way it's happening, and I wouldn't be surprised that that's what they're done. I've heard stuff like that and I've heard it enough times and at the very least, I don't think, I don't think they're on to nothing. I think that there is some weird shit like that man.

Mike Turpin:

I don't know what it, I don't know what it means.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I don't know if you'd have to fucking kill a baby and torture him or whatever in order to get that, but there's a long history of bizarre stuff like that and if you're in, if you're in contact with with weird Spirit things, that they could tell you all sorts of stuff.

"$awbuck" Mike:

And if you want to play with the dark arts which, for all I know, those are the ones I'm playing with- but, but if you want to play with some really sinister fucked up stuff, I'm sure it's out there to play with and it probably will open you up to some stuff like that and you will benefit from it. I don't, I don't know, that's crazy though. Yeah, yes, I mean, yeah, I don't doubt it, I don't doubt it. You hear stuff like I know a little bit about all that. I have a buddy that's real into the Rothschild stuff. I have buddies that are into all this stuff. I hear about all of it and you know I don't want to ever become a person that that gets distracted by the one thing or gets so caught up on the one thing, because if I start really paying attention to that shit, then I become identified as that person or whatever and I also.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I like the things that are in my life. I don't really like that shit. There's a lot of negative stuff I can get caught up by. Just the way we treat the earth is a big one that's hard for me to swallow all of the, the slave labor and torture that goes on and and bullshit, and the way the, and then the way the earth itself, the wildlife, the bees, cell phones, all of these things. It's a hard pill to fucking swallow, so I try not to get too caught up with any one specifically, but it really is a fucked up world and whatever that is from shit is, you know, I wouldn't be surprised, man I guess that's the best way I'd put it on that.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, we don't want to. We don't want to blackpill our listeners. We know damn well that we can fucking get dark and negative if you Let it and if you focus on all that type of shit and let it consume you. Because fucking a bro, yeah, it's a, it's not fun topic sometimes.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah, it's uh like right now, with, with technology spiraling the way it is. It's only been so long that we've had nuclear weapons. It's only been so long that we have the ability to make so many different chemicals and Create so many different things that could have all different types of effects. It really feels like we're up up at the end of something you know. Every, every, everybody always thinks they're at the end of civilization, or every generation feels that, and it has the people that say that, and Perhaps I'm wrong, but it's like, okay, if you add to guess, in your lifetime Will you get to die a normal death, just like your previous Ancestor did? And you know your, your great-grandfathers, your great, your, your grandmothers, who you know they live till they're 70, they have cancer, they have a stroke. Do you think you're gonna be able to see that age without your life being ended by something Due to a bigger picture, global, human, national, regional, some sort of Tragic of that?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

you go ahead first, mike I.

Mike Turpin:

Feel like I'm gonna die like a weird way, like you said the second time, like some kind of crazy thing, yeah.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I'm gonna have to agree. But I kind of wish I could go back many more generations to where I could have a Noble and honorable the Warriors death or some shit. But now I think it's gonna be maybe some weird dystopian type of thing.

Mike Turpin:

One of these days, though, they're gonna be right. All the generations that keep saying you know, this is it. This is one of these times they're gonna be right.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah, yeah. And then does it happen, and and then do we forget that it happened and we just pick up on one of these other blankets, one of these other little quantum, whatever the fuck. You know, when you really start thinking about consciousness and realities and parallels and all that it makes you wonder if the world ends all the time and some Not. Not that it really matters to Point your finger at it because you don't really know, but I wonder that a lot of times. I wonder if I had a car accident and died and I just don't even know it and life just kept going on in some bizarre way. You know what I mean. Want them jump.

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, that's American Horror Story, season one, right there with the girl dies and they film it in such a way that it looked like she was resuscitated after a suicide attempt. However, in reality, you watched the last half of the season and she died then. But, like you said, she didn't even know it. Life had carried on as far as she knew. So crazy shit, dude.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I've had a couple of final destination type of moments where I was like holy shit, and both of them, both of the main ones was with my my friend, who's my roommate right now too, and he can't explain it either. Both times we were in the car and like narrowly dodged an accident or like a fucking giant pole bouncing off the back of a Flatbed truck and like I merged just like as it was happening for no reason, and then it would have went right through the windshield and impaled one of us and yeah, who knows if we got pulled into another fucking lifetime where that didn't happen.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah, yeah, it's, it's. It's hard to say. I know exactly what you mean, dude. I've had those moments too and it is weird. But but as far as the the bigger picture, like not trying to get too crazy with like Alternate realities, blah, blah, blah, oh well, yeah, but I mean as far as, like the idea of just the world just ending between nuclear shit, Technological fuck up, you know whatever, I think it's pretty likely that with the next 30 years Something will have happened and and if we're still around, we might not even want to still be around fucking a that I think about that a lot, you know.

"$awbuck" Mike:

But I will say this though I think that that that you know you're, your thoughts Channel the life that's in front of you.

"$awbuck" Mike:

A lot of times, and Life might imitate what you think is going to come or whatever, I do think there is something to trying to find good people and and People that you love to be around and that you have love for, and when you close your eyes and consider them and know that they're in your life and Whether it's your dog, whether it's your relationship, even with something that that's not a literal being, like a, like a, an animal or whatever, but to know that you have that love for that and to, through all the negative bullshit, be able to be Grounded and bring yourself back to that. I think it's a very important thing and I think it's missing in a lot of people that spiral too heavily in these dark, very real topics, that that to just be make sure you're grounded and in some sort of positive, some sort of love Connection with others, your role in others lives, being a positive role in other people's lives, instead of just trying to wake them up to all this bullshit.

"$awbuck" Mike:

You know, remember the, the, the positive effect that can still be had, because that's what I fear, as as the world gets more grim and we know more and more People are going to potentially lose touch with the effect we can still have To each other, for each other.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Consider each other till the very end, you know fuck yeah, another Profound and appropriate response from a psychedelic athlete. Yeah, no doubt, as we are Kind of winding this down here, mike and Mike, anything else you guys got, I'm good yeah.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah, man. No, I think I'm happy with how that went and I know the thoughts at times can be a bit and I know if a frenetic is the is the right word, or Pedantic or something just it might not make a complete sense, but but ultimately, what I say about? About something like the psychedelics or what especially psychedelics? Because it's so obvious and in front of you, no matter what, no matter what you think, no matter what you imagine, if you ingest that shit, you will then know otherwise. If you haven't ingested anything like that and you have assumptions or skepticisms about it, all you have to do is ingest it and and talk, to talk to us after the fact.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

You know oh yeah, anything you want to plug, they can find you at your handle. Obviously the psychedelic athlete.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Yeah, man, that's good enough for me. You know, my name is Mike Turpin, the psychedelic athlete on Instagram, and yeah, that's, that's really it. I post most stuff on there and you know anybody who follows me on there be glad to Talk cool shit and whatnot. So, yeah, that's all.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Hell yeah, and we will love to talk cool shit with you again in the future. This was great, dude. Thank you for coming on.

Mike Turpin:

And no doubt hey.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I appreciate it.

Mike Turpin:

Thank you, guys. Fucking Mike Turpin the psychedelic. I kept wanting to call him the psychedelic warrior or adventurer, but he is the psychedelic athlete.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, and spoken like a true psycho. Not pretty much exactly what you expect. And from the martial arts perspective too, I already knew him and I would vibe just from seeing his content and I'm sure we could have a very long winded conversation and hopefully one day I can train and have a nice ranting ramble after the fact.

Mike Turpin:

You said something during our conversation with Mike and I wrote it down because I wanted to ask you. I didn't want to forget you had mentioned, real briefly, that you were micro dosing. I wanted to know I'm assuming you're talking about mushrooms what was the amount of micro dose? Was it like point five? Was it point three? Like where, where do you consider or where do you feel is a good point for you? Because, like I'll give you an example Like when I do point three, I feel like it's perfect, like it's really good for me, and I tried to push that once and I tried to do like a point five and I felt like it wasn't like too much where I couldn't control it, obviously, but it was too much for a micro dose for me, I felt like. So I feel like the good, the good sweet spot for me is like point three. What about you?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Oddly enough, and obviously this has its drawbacks I've never fucking measured it when I did it, and I have a scale too, so, like that's the funny part I would just like eyeball it. I'd be like, all right, I'll eat this little tiny piece of the cap, or all right, I'll eat this cap, I'll eat this tiny mushroom, or like, just kind of like eyeball it. But when I did that I do feel like I did a little bit more than I should. I would estimate I probably had like one gram for that, so some would say that's not a micro dose.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

It's not a micro dose and now it's a dose a small mushroom, like nothing too big, and that's what I ate. And then about an hour later I had my friend pick me up to go to a rolling session just to see what it was like, you know, because I wanted to see the actual effect. So yeah, I guess it wasn't a micro dose, it was more of a small dose, but it was interesting. My other training partner said I felt like I was doing really good that day. But my training partner said when I was rolling with him I would either be grabbing him like insanely hard, like gorilla strength, like squeezing the fuck out of him with my grips, or I felt like I wasn't gripping him at all, like no effort, like completely limp handed, limp, rested, and there was no in between.

Mike Turpin:

Oh man to be tripping.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Well, have you been rolling, Mike? No you've been grappling at all lately. I was going to say we should, we should get some rolling in soon.

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, I'm down, I just. When you get to my age, it's just, it's a miracle when you're not hurting, right.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I know you were getting started when we were first getting the podcast started.

Mike Turpin:

And yeah.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

I don't want to see that momentum haul it. We should get back on it.

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, I know I'm down dude, I would, I would love to, I just don't. I don't like to do it at the gyms, dude, because I'm so fucking out of shape, dude. And it's like such a shock for me because it's like I go from being not active really at all to like go in, participating 100%, 100%. It's like, even though they know like what's up, it's like they throw me like right in, which is cool, like oh yeah, you control me right in, that's fine. Like I want to roll, that's how you get better, but the warmups are so brutal.

Mike Turpin:

That's what yeah that it's like, by the time I get to the fucking rolling, I'm already wiped. So it's like, how can I learn when I'm already fucking exhausted?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

You know what I'm saying, I know, yeah, I know you were saying that before, and that is a lot of places, unfortunately, and I couldn't disagree with that more, to be honest, because, like, I've coached for a while now and I already knew, like, obviously warming up is important and, you know, conditioning is important in some gym Stretching and shit.

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, yeah, yeah some gyms neglect that aspect.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But me personally, when I train, especially like certain gyms, I might only have an hour to teach the class. Like I'm not going to make the people waste time by doing all that. Like my warmup was always grappling based and it was not very intense. It was more so to get you into that flow state. So you are ready to learn and the warmups themselves are teaching you. Like the warmups when I teach a class are grappling movements at a low intensity or like going through motions of technique that will mimic grappling and kind of like teach your body awareness, while you know it's warming you up.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But it's not hey, run, sprint, push ups this. That it's by no means exhausting, it's getting your body temperature up. It's it's getting your mind ready to grapple, getting your body familiar with the movements. It's not just fucking calisthenics. I think that should have stupid. And yeah, like you said it's. You're like OK, now what you already went through a portion of the class. Like you're not going to be attentive, you're not going to have full strength or energy for the actual fucking class, especially if your training time is limited already. That's just eating into the training time.

Mike Turpin:

Dude, that's exactly what I was trying to say.

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, that's exactly why you're going to come train with me. Yeah, no, dude, I'm down. And it's like you know, like some of the movements are very OK. There was only, honestly, one movement that I feel was like you described Like when they would have a shrimp, like. Ok, right, that's cool, I get that. That's a fucking jiu-jitsu movement. You know that that makes sense. I do need to understand that. I do need to get better at that. But why do I have to run around in a circle and fucking do do high knees and then why do I have to fucking drop down and do a push up and then jump up and do a jumping jack? It's like can I just stretch?

Mike Turpin:

Like what the fuck Like? What's up? Dude, Come on Like let me do some shrimping, Let me stretch. I don't know, I don't get it, but I mean.

"$awbuck" Mike:

I get it, but whatever, the fuck yeah.

Mike Turpin:

I'm down and train with you, bro. Do you know what a gay horse eats? What is a gay horse eat?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Hey, that's a that's a very 90s, early 2000s style joke and I love it.

Mike Turpin:

This is hilarious. I don't know why they just puffed into my head. I know a lot of jokes. Oh man, some people say I am one.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Maybe we should try our hand at stand up. Mike, I know a lot of podcasters and conspiracy people cross over into that realm. Maybe we should go bomb a fucking set.

Mike Turpin:

Let's do it. I'm down, I could write some bad jokes, for sure I would do it too.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Fuck you, just for the nerve, nerve development aspect of it, of just you know facing that awkwardness of getting on stage in front of people.

Mike Turpin:

Yeah, everybody's staring at you and shit, right, but one of those dreams where you, where you're at school naked and you don't know what's, fucking what's going on.

"$awbuck" Mike:

Have you ever had those?

Mike Turpin:

dreams. Absolutely, dude, absolutely. Yeah, I've had the school naked before, dream that's. That's a weird one. That is a weird one. I've never had the falling and then I wake up right before I dive. Never had that one, but yeah, never had one being chased either. To be honest with you, I know I dream because my wife tells me that I talk in my sleep and pretty much everybody dreams. However, I smoke so much pot that I don't remember my dreams ever. Like, maybe once in a blue moon I'll have, I'll be like, oh, I kind of remember. From what other than that dude? I don't remember dreams. I just don't like and it is because of smoke and lead, because there's been times when I've had to take breaks for whatever reason, and when I'm abstinent from smoking cannabis.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

they come back weird.

Mike Turpin:

They fucking come back raging bro. It's crazy. So it really does block it. It's crazy.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

So I probably haven't smoked in about a month right now, really, and my dreams? But yeah, my dreams have been fucking nuts. See it's real nuts.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Wow, to the point where I can't even like describe what they are. Once I wake up, I'm like that was just. That was just weird, like it's like they make sense when you're in that haze, when you're first starting to wake up, but then, as soon as you start to try and rationalize or like put it into words or explain, like yeah, no, they're fucking weird. And I was pretty sick not too long ago and those dreams being sick and just coming off the weed at the same time was fucking just twisted.

Mike Turpin:

Why did you quit smoking?

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Well, honestly, I was in a bit of a mental slump and I just did not feel like it was helping. If anything, it was making it worse. And just last year I probably took like a four or five month break without weed last year and I felt pretty good and then, you know, I enjoyed it on and off, but then it got to the point where I was just doing it all the time again and I kind of wanted to just conquer that aspect of it.

Mike Turpin:

Mm, hmm, I feel you, dude, I think about that a lot too. Like I know deep down that it holds me back. You know what I mean. Like I know I can't reach my full potential, while I and I know that might sound weird to some people, but I feel like that you know. Like I do, yeah, I still do it. So I don't know, I don't know.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But I feel that when I was in Ireland I found out they they all roll their weed up with tobacco, like they only smoke splits out there, so like if someone's rolling a joint they roll it with the tobacco. But I also think part of it is because it's a very wet climate out there. It's like obviously raining and shit all the time and like and I think the weed there is just naturally like it's not the same as it is here, just in general, like as well grown and it's just grown and maybe you know modified and stuff. So it was much more like earthy and herbal and not as like dried out. So I feel like maybe they they do it because of that. The weed is like more moist and it smokes better when you pack it with the tobacco.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But I remember the group of people I was chilling with and like people would just come up to you and be like, do you got any tobacco that I could use to like roll up a joint? And I was like, no, I'm not doing that. I got some weed when I was out there and I was just rolling the joints with straight weed and the people I was hanging out with they're like, oh God, this is. I can't remember the name they had for it, but they have a name for when you roll a joint with just weed and it's like they think that that's too much or excessive. I was like no, this is. I'm not fucking putting tobacco in this, fuck that.

Mike Turpin:

No, I mean, that's that ain't shit. That's funny. Imagine if one of them came here. It'd be a fucking culture shock, you know oh my God.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Well, I will say I've been to the Bahamas, I've been to Jamaica on cruises and stuff with my family, and now I'd been to Ireland. When I smoked the weed in those places, who knows, I might have just, you know, got the bottom of the barrel or not the best type of stuff as being a tourist instead of like having a real connection. But I will say I liked it. It wasn't, like you know, dirt weed, it was mild compared to what we have here. It felt a lot more organic and the high was a lot more just like chill and what I imagine like. Yeah, exactly For sure I liked it and I was glad because it was on a fucking cruise boat just sitting there looking out at nothing but ocean. Like that kind of tweaked me out. So if I was on, if I was on a high potency THC strain or something, I would be freaking out, but I was. I was chilling on these more organic weeds and I really liked that.

Mike Turpin:

You will never catch me on a fucking cruise ever. My wife has been fucking asking me forever. No, no say you could go. Shit, you can go. Kids want to go, you can take them too. My fat ask me right here on shore, cause, uh-uh, those motherfuckers go down all the time.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, dude, I don't like it. I don't like the idea of just being surrounded by nothing but water and like, when you be a terrifying, when I be like on the fucking top deck or whatever at night, yeah, just pure blackness, nothingness. I'm like, dude, we are surrounded by nothing, and like who knows what's in these fucking monsters? Waters, yeah, and even if it isn't something you know like malevolent, just knowing that there's a bunch of shit that you can't see is a frightening thought. It could be a whale, it could be a damn dolphin or some shit, like something that's not even going to hurt me but, I, can't see it.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, I don't know where it's at. I do believe in crazy fucking cryptid sea monsters and stuff. So, yeah, no.

Mike Turpin:

I mean, if you're lucky, you drowned. Seriously, if you're lucky, you drowned, because if you're unlucky, a fucking shark eats you.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

Yeah, I don't, I don't fuck with that. What's funny is when we were in Jamaica and I had just smoked joint and I got in the water obviously I didn't go out too far cause I don't fucking like sharks and all that shit. I don't really like the saltwater either, to be honest and then I saw a big dark patch in the water and it could have just been, you know, like a patch of seaweed or something Like just like a dark or sand or some rocks or something.

"Headhunter" Higgins:

But I saw that and I was like no, and I just started frantically paddling to the shore and, like these other people and my brothers that were near me were like what I was, like I think I saw a shark and other people like overheard that and they're like what, what Shark? Like that caused a little bit of a commotion, and then I was like I don't know, I'm really fucking high, but I wasn't taking any chances, yeah, and everyone started cracking up.

Mike Turpin:

It's fucking terrifying, uh-uh.

Mike Turpin:

I'm a strong swimmer but if I can't see the bottom of it, I think I don't have a business going in that. You know I just don't need to. Well, we appreciate all the support. Keep the five star reviews going, whatever platform you're listening to us on. Give us that review, like, follow, subscribe all the social medias. If you want to support the show, you can do that as well as a few different ways. We told you how to do that early on. If you need a reminder, it's Patreon and or the support link on whatever platform you're listening to us on. Stay away from pen files.

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